Our user Quintillus has put together a DVD with some of the most interesting Civ3 scenarios from the community. So if you really want to make sure that you have the best Civ3 mods at home, get the DVD! You can request the DVD from Quintillus, or you can download the DVD ISO here.
You can discuss the DVD in the thread here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/civ3-community-scenario-compilation-dvd.666924/
A list of the included mods:
- Age of Imperialism, by El Justo
- The Ancient Mediterranean, by thamis (including several scenarios)
- Barbarossa: The War in the East, by Sarevok & Rocoteh
- The Cold War Deluxe, by El Justo
- Escape From Zombie Island 2 Elite, by Vuldacon
- Fallout: The Rebirth of Civilization, by Thorgrimm
- The Great War, by Sarevok & Rocoteh
- Master of Myrror Fantasy Mod, by Drift
- Medieval European Mod II, by embryodead & Yoda Power (including several MEM mod-mods)
- Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods, by WildWeazel
- The Old Empires, by Sarevok & Rocoteh
- Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, by pinktilapia (including several scenarios)
- Rise and Rule, by Isak, Kal-el, Doc Tsiolkovski, harrier, Pfeffersack, et. al.
- Rhye’s of Civilization, by Rhye
- The Rood and the Dragon, by Plotinus
- Space Opera, by NavyDawg
- Warhammer Fantasy Mod, by mrtn
- Civilization III: Worldwide, by AnthonyBoscia
- WW2 Global, by Rocoteh