Ara: History Untold – latest news

By | September 2, 2024

Various things have happened with Ara, many of it during the latest Civ7 info, so now we are catching up on Ara!

The devs have released their 5th Q&A. In this episode they talk about that there are options to not automatically eliminate civs at the end of an era, that your population might leave for other nations if they are not satisfied and that there are no artificial rubber-band mechanics, although things such like war-weariness are certainly included. For the remaining 5 questions please watch the video and join us here.

In addition to the Dev Q&A we also got the 3rd of the encarta series, where the devs give us a profile of Egypt. They start the introduction with some history of Egypt, and it’s ruler in Ara, Nefertiti. She will have 5 traits, which all give various bonuses. e.g. she will get more food from her farms, or faster research for religious technologies and faster religious spread. For more details please check the video and join us here.

As last important news, CivFanatics has decided to give also more attention to Ara, and give this game also its own subforum. You can find all the Ara-related discussions now here.