Hexarchy: A deck-building civ-like game (now on Kickstarter)

By | March 20, 2022

We continue our series about potentially interesting games for Civ-fans, and this time it’s about Hexarchy. Hexarchy is a civ-like game, it plays on a hex-grid, turn-based, and you build cities, units and wonders. The main difference to Civ is that it is a deck-builder: You have each round a certain amount of cards (units, buildings, technologies, etc), which you can use, if you have enough production and resources. Non-used cards you may discard or keep for the next round, whereas used cards vanish and will be replenished from the card stack. It is set up for a lot shorter games than Civ though, most should be over in one hour.

You can find a demo on Steam right now: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1356810/Hexarchy/

There are also a lot of videos on the dev channel, and Civ-streamer Sassy Gamer Lady has also played the game in one of her videos.
The latest development is that you can also support this game on Kickstarter, where you can also find a lot more information, and you may also ask the developers on Twitter.
(please note that backing a game on Kickstarter does not guarantee that a game succeeds, and in case of failure the money could be lost)

Discuss this game in our forum here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/hexarchy-a-deck-building-civ-like-game-now-on-kickstarter.675971/

Old World: Watch the Nations, Archetypes and Families guide by alcaras

By | March 19, 2022

Our long term user alcaras has made a video about some basics in Old World. Have a watch if you want to get to know some of the mechanics deeper, and discuss this video in the Old World video thread.

Civilization Celebrates Women’s History Month

By | March 18, 2022

For the celebration of Women’s history month, Firaxis has released some great artworks for some of the female Civ leaders.
The artworks were drawn by 2 employes of 2K and a freelance artist, some are more in the style of Civ, some less.

You can find all the artwork here: https://civilization.com/fr-FR/news/entries/civilization-celebrates-women-s-history-month/ and discuss them in our forum here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/civilization-celebrates-womens-history-month.675939/

Avon Indoor Winds performance, including Sogno di Volare

By | March 18, 2022

Christopher Tin has shared on Twitter this video by the Avon Indoor Winds, who are apparently performing at a flight-themed show called “Murmuration”. Their performance features “Sogno Di Volare”, with parts of “Iza Ngomso”, among other songs.

Discuss this video in our forum here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/avon-indoor-winds-performance-including-sogno-di-volare.675938/

Take up the new Alpha Centauri challenge!

By | March 17, 2022

For all the recent Civ versions we provide the community a monthly challenge with the “Game Of The Month”. But what about Alpha Centauri?

That is what our user Jarek Noschese thought. He created a new savegame, and wants you to take up the challenge! In this save you play as the University on a huge Chiron map on Librarian difficulty. Curious to see how you’ll fare compared to everyone else? Have a look here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/civ2-gotm-146-inspired-challenge.675895/#post-16243491

Celebrate the Colors of Humankind with the Holi Event

By | March 17, 2022

There’s a new announcement at the games2gether forum about the upcoming Holi event, based on an Indian religious day. It’s basically a follow-up of last year’s Dia de los Muertos. It is again a timed-event, from March 17 until April 11. The challenges for this period are the following:

  • Shrewd General: Force an Expansionist Empire that has Vassals to Surrender 
  • Famous Accumulate 40 000 Fame over several games.
  • Smite the Wicked: Earn a level 3 Hero badge while playing as the Mughals.

For more in-depth information, please check the games2gether website: https://www.games2gether.com/amplitude-studios/humankind/blogs/805-celebrate-the-colors-of-humankind-with-the-holi-event

Discuss this event in our forum here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/celebrate-the-colors-of-humankind-with-the-holi-event.675919/

Old World Update #86

By | March 16, 2022

Mohawk Games, the developers of Old World, have released the latest patch for their game. This update includes balancing changes, an update for the mod menu, and 44 new events.

You can discuss this patch in our forum here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/old-world-patch-86.675900/

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #131

By | March 16, 2022

And we continue to challenge you! Come and join the “Game Of The Month” competition, where you compete with other civvers on who manages best with a given game!

This time you play as Phillip II of Spain on a standard-size “Island Plates” map on Deity level. You get a legendary starting position, but you need to go for culture victory. You have until April 15 to finish this game.

For all the details, please see the corresponding thread here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/6otm131-announcement.675887/