This past Friday, Mar 9th at 9 PM EST was the 24th CivPlayers League Podcast. Here’s what we talked about in the past week!
Co-Hosts Sarnith and KingLewie, and guest Co-Host BladeSe7en and CanuckSoldier bring you this weeks topics.
• This week we go in-depth on all the awesome details of the March Developers Update from Firaxis!
• We now know when the next Clan Championship Cup with be! 1-3 June 18, so now all the clans can plan for an exciting weekend of competition!
• We review the first week of the exciting duel competition the ADCP and the revamped the CivPlayers Newsletter starting this Saturday!
• Be sure to be active in chat! We do watch and are happy to answer your questions!
• Do you have ideas you’d like to see brought up on the podcast? Make sure to post your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section!
CivPlayers Podcasts are recorded live on Sarnith’s Youtube Live every Friday at 9pm EST Sarnith’s Youtube Live
Watch this episode here
You can watch all Podcasts as well as other CivPlayers events at our YouTube page CivPlayers Youtube Channel