The authors from hard-drive net have released an article, called “Is Civilization VI Better Than Civilization V? The Numbers in the Titles Say Yes”.
Based on an in-depth analysis, with many hard facts and objective criteria underlying their endeavour, they have concluded that Civ6 is better than Civ5, because 6 > 5.
They compare it to the critically acclaimed movie series “The Godfather”, where everyone agrees that higher numbered titles are the better movies. It’s nearly like with the movie series Speed or Jaws, where later installments are definitely superior.
An excerpt from the article:
“One really cool thing about video games is that, with each new addition to a franchise, the game gets better. With each new franchise release, developers are able to use new technology to make graphics sharper, make gameplay tighter, remove or add features that make the game stronger, and all around improve every aspect of the game. That’s why it’s so helpful that games put the number in the title, because it helps you decide which to pick: whichever one has the highest number.”
You can read the whole article here, and discuss it with us here.
Attention: Might contain traces of humour.
New fan Colonization recreation project in development announced!
New fan project detected! While FreeCol is an excellent recreation of the Colonization experience that we highly recommend due to it’s many features, enhancements & modability there are some that still wish for a 1:1 recreation of the original Colonization and it’s classic 2D graphics that works on modern machines, allows modern viewing resolutions (like Col for Windows does), and has easy modability. One of the Col fans FB group community members David has announced that he’s working on such a thing, so we wish him all the best! Here’s some info he shared with us:
“[A faithful recreation of the original] is already in progress, it’s been in active development for about five years now by myself, currently sitting at around 150k LOC. It is not associated with any of the existing versions of the game nor their developers. It is a faithful remake of the original in terms of rules and gameplay, all the way down to things like replicating the original prime resource distribution algorithm and the same market price fluctuation mechanics. Graphics wise, it will return to the original style, namely 2D tile-based pixel art graphics, MIDI soundtrack with re-arranged versions of the original tunes, etc. But will also have some modern features, like scriptability/modability in Lua, and supporting different monitor resolutions and aspect ratios while preserving original look. Pre-pre alpha screenshot attached (note, still with some placeholder graphics). Realistically, it will probably be another two years until it reaches the alpha stage. Get ready for a true modern Col DOS revival in the not-too-distant future!”
Discuss this new project with us here, and also read the article by Indie Retro News about it.
Europa Universalis IV (EUIV) for free at the Epic Store until August 17
Paradox has made has made Europa Universalis IV free at the Epic Games store for one week for it’s 10 year birthday, until August 17. As with other free games it will stay in your library after the date is over and you will be able to play it in the future. Download it here.
A range of DLCs are also on sale (not all, but the majority), between 20 to 50% down. Check them out here.
Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #255
In contrast to the summery Civ5 and Civ6 GOTMs, the Civ4 GOTM goes the other way and will give you a cooler vibe! You play as Ragnar of the Vikings on a standard size low sea level achipelago map on Emperor level. You have until September 11 to go berserk on the world.
For all information please see this thread.
Age Of Empires III (definitive edition) free trial!
As we just saw on Mastodon, it seems that Steam is giving us another free goodie: A part oft the definitive edition of Age Of Empires III is free to play on Steam. You also get one of the small DLCs for free, the cosmetic Lizzie pack. This trial does not contain the full game, but only 3 factions which will be rotating, as well as one of the campaigns and a part of the MP. Please check for details here, and discuss this trial with us here.
Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #164
And also for Civ6 we get you another summery GOTM with a tropical feeling! You play as Nzinga Mbande on a standard size wet and hot pangaea map on King level. You need to win this game by either culture or diplomacy, in the fastest way. You can sweat through this game until September 3.
For all details please see this thread.
City Growth in Ara: History Untold
The developers of Ara: History Untold have posted a blog post on Steam about city growth. They describe how cities grow and expand: You can build new buildings to increase growth, but you also must manage food and other resources to sustain the city. Depending on your management performance, either immigration or emigration will happen, leading to more or less citizens. For all the information please read the post here.
Play the new Civ5 “Game Of The Month” #226
We continue our summer GOTMs by going to a favourite holiday destination: Greece. This time you play as Alexander on a large continents map, on epic speed and on Prince level. You need to achieve a diplomatic victory, but all other victory types are enabled. You have until August 31 to unite the world.
For more information please see this thread.