WarGamer.com: The best 4x games on PC

By | January 10, 2023

WarGamer.com, a site dedicated to tabletop and war games, has published a list of the best 4X games for PC.
As it has to be, despite it’s age, Civilization 6 is still on the list, together with one of our other favourites, Old World. They point out Old World’s interesting order system, as well as Civ’s ever expanding scope with the DLCs.
There are 4 more entries on the list, which you can read here at WarGamer.com: The Best 4X Games On PC, and you can discuss this article with us here.

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #150

By | January 10, 2023

And also the Civilization 6 GOTM continues into the new year! In the first game of 2023 you play as Gilgamesh of Sumeria on a standard size arid and cold lakes map with sparse resources. You need to achieve a domination or religious victory, and you have time until February 2.

For all details please check this thread.

GamesRadar: Jake Solomon on his journey from underqualified graphics programmer to master strategist

By | January 9, 2023

GamesRadar has published a news article about Jake Solomon, one of the pillars of Firaxis. Over his carreer he has worked on Civilzation 3, Civilization Revolution, the XCOM titles and the recently published Midnight Suns. Despite having been at Firaxis for ages, he describes himself not as a Civ guy. He worked closely with Sid Meier and Soren Johnson on the design for Civilization Revolution though. He is most proud of Midnight Suns, for which he had been the creative director.

If you want to read everything about this carreer, then click here for the article on GamesRadar, and come over this thread here to discuss with us.

Thanks to our member Gorbles for highlighting this article.

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #246

By | January 8, 2023

New year, new GOTM! This Game Of The Month has already started during Christmas, but there is still plenty time to help out Santa and his elves!

In this GOTM you play Santa (well, actually the Vikings) on a normal size, but heavily modified Earth2 map on Noble level with cold climate. You start with 2 reindeer (okay, wolfs), and the starting spot is not exactly optimal. You have until January 30 to bring presents to all the other civs on this planet. For more information, please read here.

TOP 10 Offline Turn-based Tactics Games for Android & iOS 2023

By | January 5, 2023

We got notified via Twitter of this video above, showcasing the best mobile offline games, which you should play in 2023.
A lot of these should be very interesting in case you don’t have Civ on your mobile phone, so check out this video, and discuss it with us here.

FreeCol: Release 1.0.0

By | January 4, 2023

After 20 years of working, a big step has been made: The developers of FreeCol have released the version 1.0.0 of their free Colonization remake! The big release includes updated forest graphics, better AI, adjustments to make it closer to the original Colonization, and more!

This new release has also been covered by PCGamesN.

Discuss with us here.

TurnBasedLovers: Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri – Review

By | January 2, 2023

TurnBasedLovers have taken again a look at one of our beloved classics, Alpha Centauri, and have written now 23 years after its release another review.
They praise the philosophical depth of the story and the versatility of the overall gameplay with all its choices. And as expected, from today’s point of view (and also back at the time) the graphics are the biggest drawback, and in the meantime also the interface.
If you want to read the full review, click here: TurnBasedLovers: Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri – Review, and come over to this thread to discuss with us.

GDC 2022, Soren Johnson: My Elephant in the Room: An ‘Old World’ Postmortem

By | January 1, 2023

Soren Johnson’s talk from the GDC of 2022 has now been released on Youtube.
He talks obviously about Old World, about Civilization and how Old World is similar and different, and about issues of the 4X genre in general.
He also talks about the decision to include characters and a kind of story into the game.

Source: Twitter.

If you want to talk with us about this video, then join us in this thread here.