PolyCast Episode 339: First Party Content

By | June 10, 2019

New Plans!.  The three hundred-and-thirty-ninth episode of PolyCast, “Are Disasters Awful?“, features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Philip “TheMeInTeam”,  and Jason “MegaBearsFan” Grade and discusses the following:

01m33s |  A Few Comments on the Current Financial Health of Fixaxis Owner Take Two Interactive
11m48s |  A Retrospective on a Five Year Long Civilization V Game

Forum Talk
21m39s |  How Often do we Return to our Saves in Civilization VI

34m21s |  A Systematic Look at the Various Merits of the Patheon Beliefs in Civilization VI
51m23s |  Rushing a District in Civilization VI for the State Workforce Inspiration

PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice; sibling show ModCast focuses on Civ modding, TurnCast on Civ multiplay.  

The next live recording is scheduled for June 15, 2019.