Currently some of the Civ titles are again on Sale! For Civ3 and Civ4 the Complete editions are for sale, for Civ6 only the Platinum and Anthology edition, as well as both addons.
- Civ3 Complete: 1.29€ at GOG
- Civ4 Complete: 5€ at GOG
- Civ6 Anthology: 98.99€ on Steam
- Civ6 Platinum: 14.15€ on Steam
- Civ6 Gathering Storm: 9.99€ on Steam
- Civ6 Rise and Fall: 9.89€ on Steam
- Civ6 Anthology: 25.50€ on GreenManGaming
Other currently interesting sales are a Total War flash sale, Roma Invicta or King’s Bounty Crossworlds.