The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated – 14 games were accepted since the previous update.
Congratulations to Conquistador 63 for the highest score of the update with a Standard, Epic, Immortal, Domination game for 325,771 points.
tsvyatkov was the most active player during this update, submitting 6 games.
New Number One Entries:
A number of players gained number one positions:​
​donsig with a 2050 AD, Small, Epic, Prince, Time game for 16,759 points.​
​Lcpl Jack Jones with a 2050 AD, Large, Quick, Chieftain, Time game for 21,515 points.​
** New Gauntlet Starting **
We have added some new special challenges for you, for which we need a new win:
G-Major 188 – Space Colony, Monarch, Ancient, Small, Epic, Terra, America
G-Minor 272 – Domination, Warlord, Ancient, Tiny, Normal, Pangaea