The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated – 41 games were accepted since the previous update.
Congratulations to nocho for the highest score of the update with a Duel, Marathon, Monarch, Space Colony game for 444,361 points. nocho also gained 9 top positions in the scoring.
Lcpl Jack Jones was the most active player during this update, submitting an astonishing 25 games, and gaining 11 top positions.
Only one player was brave enough to take on Deity this update:
Lcpl Jack Jones – 2050 AD, Huge, Normal, Deity, Time game for 10,740 points.​
Other players scoring top positions are donsig, Fractal Spiral and AlexFin. Congratulations to everyone!
Two new gauntlets are starting as well!
For the G-Minor 278 you must play Kublai Khan to reach a Domination victory on a small Pangaea map on quick speed and Monarch level. For the remaining requirements please check here.
For the G-Major 191 you must be playing the Celts to gain a Cultural victory on a large Great Plains map on Monarch level. For the remaining requirements please check here.
Join us in this thread to discuss the new gauntlets and to congratulate the winners!