Latest videos from the Civ7 streamers

By | September 20, 2024

Next to all the new information we got yesterday, also three different streamers have uploaded videos with some interesting information, which our moderator Eagle Pursuit has summarized.

Ursa Ryan has interviewed Ed Beach and Carl Harrison. In the interview, they mention that e.g. in multiplayer you do not have any restrictions which civ to pick for the next age. MP will also only have 1 map size (probably due to restrictions on some consoles), and hotseat is gone, although it may come in the future. We also got to know that some civs will be in all ages during the release, whereas some others will only get filled up in later DLCs.

Also boesthius interviews the both. Carl apparently misses the great people from Civ6, but thinks the civ-specific great people in Civ7 will be a great addition. Firaxis has also put a lot of work into flavouring the ingame narrative, with more than 1000 narrative events. And apparently Firaxis started with a prototype in Civ6, but could not do navigable rivers there, but this has lead to some code from the Civ6 gossip system being used for the narrative events.

Also PotatoMcWhiskey tried to squeeze some info out of the both guys. It seems that Sid himself is still involved in the work, so we can expect again a great Civ game! The diplo system was apparently very difficult, as they tried multiple implementations, but only the 4th one was satifsfactory. They also told some things about modding, that the basis is still XML files, and that we will get modding tools close to launch.

To get all the info, have a watch through the videos. You can discuss them with us here, althoug the one from boesthius has its separate thread here.