Our eternal Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated – 9 games were accepted since the previous update.
Congratulations to nocho for the highest score of the update with a Tiny, Marathon, Emperor, Space Colony game for 539,238 points.
nocho and fizbankovi were the most active players during this update, submitting 2 games each.
Only one player was brave enough to take on Deity this update:
- fizbankovi – 1750 AD, Standard, Normal, Deity, Domination game for 189,542 points.​
- fizbankovi – 1822 AD, Standard, Normal, Deity, Diplomatic game for 95,867 points.​
​New Number One Entries:
A number of players gained number one positions:
– Lcpl Jack Jones with a 2050 AD, Large, Epic, Immortal, Time game for 18,758 points.
– nocho with a 1374 AD, Tiny, Marathon, Emperor, Space Colony game for 539,238 points.
– Alexfin with a 1160 AD, Standard, Normal, Prince, Cultural game for 91,118 points.
– donsig with a 2050 AD, Small, Quick, Settler, Time game for 7,115 points.
Gauntlet Updates
G-Major 192
Congratulations to nocho for winning this with a score of 440,603 followed by Lcpl Jack Jones with 108,421 and Noble Zarkon on 13,970.
G-Minor 280
Congratulations to nocho for winning this with a date of 1442AD followed very closely by Conquistador 63 in 1454AD and then zbgayumn in 1897AD.
If you want to congratulate the winners, then join us here.