We have again a bunch of things about Civ7 to share!
Tomorrow on February 11 there will be launch day stream. The devs will be discussing the latest feedback, will answer community questions and more. Oh, and they want you to pick a civ and leader for this stream. Please check here.
The first real patch after the launch is now also available, patch 1.0.2. The patch fixes the issue that longer game speeds were over too fast, fixed various bugs in naval combat and some of the UI problems. For the full list see here.
From the modding side, we got bigger maps in the meantime, although these apparently are not in because Firaxis (as well as the modders) noticed that they cause some graphics glitches. In case this does not deter you, you can also try the first version of a “True Starting Locations” (TLS) world map here. There are also more small mods available, check the forum here.
And as last tidbit of the day: Will Firaxis add the legendary queen Zenobia to the game? We guess so.