Civ7: Shawnee collaboration video, in-depth article about Jose Rizal, ABC classics podcast and Twitch Civ7 launch party

By | February 21, 2025

We got a range of interesting news again!

First, another video about the partnership between the Shawnee and Firaxis has been posted.
Various members of the tribe talk in the video about the importance of the Shawnee language, and Firaxis talks about how this knowledge and culture was used for Civ7. Discuss this video with us here.

Second, Gamespot has released a long article with the title “How Sid Meier’s Civilization VII Showcases Filipino Culture Through Jose Rizal“.
In this article the author talks about Jose Rizal as a person and his history, that finally the Phillipins are not represented as a stereotype, and they also talked with the devs about the research which went into Civ7 for this. Discuss this article with us here.

Third, Meena Shamaly, a composer who has sang songs for Old World, is regulary hosting a gaming podcast at the ABC Classics.
This time the podcast it is about the music in Civ7. Obviously the theme “Living Gloriously” is being played, among other titles from within the game.
He also talkes about the instruments used in the soundtrack, and has asked Roland Rizzo and Geoff Knorr which age is their favourite to compose music for. Listen to the podcast here, and discuss it with us here.

And as last item, Twitch Rivals is hosting a live stream related to the Civ7 release. Watch it here, and discuss it with us here.