Civ7: Ars Technica on the state of the game, and the Oklahome Gazette about the Shawnee

By | March 13, 2025

We got 2 news articles for you today.

In the first news article in Ars Technica Dennis Shirk talks about the current state of the game, that they are aware that the interface is lacking, their decision to hire sukritact, the challenges with making everything work also on the different consoles, and the necessity to keep tweaking and balancing the game further. You can read the article here, and discuss it with us here.

In the second article, from the Oklahoma Gazette, the devs talk about the challenges to get a voice actor for Tecumseh, how the voice actor Dillon Dean took this as a chance to investigate his native roots, and Chief Barnes explains that such projects are important to keep the language of the Shawnee alive. You can read the article here and discuss it with us here.