Civilization II: Game of the Month: GOTM 142 Download

Civilization II: Game of the Month

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Game of the Month 142: April 2013

Game Settings:
Civilization: Persians
Map: Slightly modified medium world map (50×80 round); 7 civ’s
Difficulty: Emperor
Barbarians: Roving Bands
Restarts: On
Victory by spaceship or conquest

Starting Techs:

~ None


1 Swiss (purple) settler used to found Zurich.

Rivals: Romans, Celts (Babylonians), Vikings, Spanish, Huns (Chinese), Greeks.
All rivals start in their historical location.

Special rules:
Map is known. You can open the provided map file in map editor at any point in the game. It is highly recommended you do this at the beginning to get a good assessment of where your rivals are.

Your first hut must yield 50 gold. Save before you tip it. If you get any other outcome, reload and keep trying.
Have fun.

Games will be due on May 31st, 2013.

Please be sure to follow the submission guidelines when submitting your game (please do not send your files in a .zip file. Attach them directly to your e-mail with your name in the save file).

Please sent the savegames only to

Have fun.

For more info look at this thread.

To download the game and the map.