Play the new Civ3 “Game Of The Month” #169 + #196

By | October 5, 2024

The Civ3 GOTM team has come up with new challenges for you for the quarterly Civ3 GOTM!

In the GOTM for “Play The World”, you play as Tokugawa of the Japanese on a normal size continents map with a cool climate and sedentary barbarians. The difficulty level is deity. There are some custom rules in this game, as you e.g. start with an extra worker. You get until December 31 to finish this challenge. You can find the download and all other info here.

In the GOTM for the addon “Conquests” you play as the Arabs on a normal size continents map with otherwise standard settings on Regent difficulty. The custom modifications will make it not easy though. Also here the deadline is December 31. For the download and all other info please check here.