Category Archives: GOTM
Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #170
For this month’s GOTM we strive for great things: You play as Rameses II on a standard size inland sea map on Prince level. Your goal is to win via a culture or diplomatic victory, but you need to avoid the biblical plagues (disaster level of 1). You have until December 2 to build the pyramids and all… Read More »
Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #261
Play the new Civ5 “Game Of The Month” #232
Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #258
And we also get a mid-month Civ4 GOTM! As in the Civ5 GOTM you play Washington, but here on a standard size terra map on Monarch level. You start alone in the new world, but you are surrounded by raging barbarians. You have until November 15 to conquer the old world! For more information please check this thread.
Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #169
For the Civ6 GOTM we go back to one of history’s most famous leaders: You will be playing Cleopatra (Ptolemaic) on a standard sized wet and hot wetlands map on Immortal level. You need to win via a science victory, but also prevent all other civs from achieving another victory. Disaster intensity is set to 3, so you… Read More »
Play the new Civ3 “Game Of The Month” #165 and #192
After all the other GOTMs, we this time also got again the 2 GOTMs for Civ3! For the addon “Play The World” you get GOTM 192, you will be playing as the Iroquis on a normal size pangaea map on Deity. You get roaming barbarians as a challenge, but a special starting unit too, to even out the… Read More »
Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #168
For this Civ6 GOTM we will be thinking about that OTHER Roman empire: This month you are playing Theodora of the Byzantine Empire on a large true starting location mediterranean map on Emperor level (how very well fitting!). You need to go for a domination victory, and prevent all other civs from achieving any type of victory. You… Read More »