Civilization II: Game of the Month
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Game of the Month 137: September 2012
Pentagon revisited
For the Sep 2012 edition of GOTM we replay the June game: GOTM 135 with the condition of having to play OCC removed. Everything else is as before. You may use any strategy to win (OCC included).
Clarification on “Everything else is as before”
In GOTM 135 we made a special rule to allow replays from the start. I should have made it clear whether that is the special rule here or not but failed to do so originally. The special rule is now that you can reload till you get a desirable outcome for the one and only hut in the pentagon. No other reloading/restart is allowed. More specifically you may not restart to change battle outcomes or the hut outcomes of any other hut.
This 100×100 round world consists of a southern continent and a northern continent hugging the poles and spanning around the world. The southern continent is very green and vacant. Northern continent has some dry spots and is home to Mongols. There is another small continent shaped like a pentagon right in the middle. The human player, playing the orange civ, is right in the middle of this continent. The remaining 5 rivals are on the 5 corners of the pentagon.
The pentagon is large enough so that no two capital cities share a tile yet small enough that each capital’s border touches that of some other capital.
The challenge here is to win before Mongols do.
Game Settings:
Civilization: English
Map: Custom Known map, 100×100, round
Rivals: Celts, Babylonians, Germans, Aztecs, Americans, Mongols
Difficulty: Deity
Barbarians: Restless Tribes
Restarts: On
Victory by conquest or spaceship
Starting Techs:
~ None
Other info: Rivals start with one settler and no techs.
Have fun.
Games will be due on November 1st, 2012.
Please be sure to follow the submission guidelines when submitting your game (please do not send your files in a .zip file. Attach them directly to your e-mail with your name in the save file).
Please sent the savegames only to
Have fun.