HARLAN THOMPSON Harlan Thompson is being added to this SHOF as a gifted veteran scenario author. I agree with the opinions I’ve heard in the CF chat and forums that Thompson should have been one of the first added to this hall of fame. Clearly, Thompson has given us a multitude of things to nominate him for including his icons, cities, and units collections which have made life easier for other scenario authors. However, Thompson is honored today for his LORD OF THE RINGS ver.2.0 scenario. It has got to be one of his best and one of the best Fantasy scenarios of all time. I would also like to point out that Thompson has spanned the continuum in scenario creations: The Viking Age v3.1 (ancient), The Mongols: from Ghengis to Kublai Kahn, Timur (medieval), and the famous WWII in China: the Forgotten War, WWII: Pacific Theater, WWII: European Theater (modern). Never have I seen a scenario author span so many different timeperiods with such precision and excellence. I recommend each of these scenarios as well with the anticipation what Thompson might come up with next! |
Please be sure to give your thanks and appreciation to Harlan Thompson for his work at email: harlant@hawaii.edu |
FREDERIC MEUNIE Meunie’s contributions are best known as his MOONLAND and STONEHENGE modpacks. Although a lot of people have created modpacks with Sci-Fi or Ancient Cultural Flare, Meunie was doing it at a time when these ideas were not yet popular. Also, his work included developing a large number of graphics for others to use. This archive, available at his website, helped serve as a starting point for which future modpack and scenario authors launched their creations. |
Visit the Tour Eiffel Site at: http://www.paris.web66.com/civ2/civima.htm |
JOHN ELLIS John Ellis, a gifted designer of fine historical scenarios, continues to be active in design of new and interesting scenarios, while at the same time refining his older work to include new improvements and ideas. Nominatedby Kobayshi for "Hellas", and AoA for the excellent "Colonies" series, as well as other fine historical work such as "Bonaparte" and "Sieze the Crown", it is our pleasure to add John to our hall of fame. Players should also note that the author has also designed an excellent Hundred Years War scenario. John is about to release yet another brilliant scenario, long awaited, called "Bonaparte II" which will include many improvements over it’s illustrious predecessor. |
Please be sure to give your thanks and appreciation to John Ellis for his work at email:netdesign@globalnet.co.uk |
LKT Who is LKT? A person, a group, a BORG designation? It may be a question we will still be asking ourselves in 24th century. What I can tell you is that when I see the extreme limitations of 1997 and the industriousness of an author such as LKT, I offer up both thumbs for a job well done. LKT created one of the best Star Trek scenarios ever created in the history of Civ II and that is no small feat. Together with an excellent story line, units, events, and balanced game play, from LKT emerged a masterpiece. Most of the events throughout the game not only appear, but interact with the player’s strategy. For a Conflict in Civilizations version, it’s definitely an accomplishment. However, I cannot stop there. An extensive batch file is included for proper installation of this exceptional scenario along with an entire story written specifically for the player. It is also the only scenario I know of that the author encourages the player to customize the events file. Whether or not you are a Star Trek fan, this scenario is fun to play and offers numerous hours of enjoyment! |
If anyone knows LKT’s email address, please contact me so that we may give the proper thanks by issuing a virtual award. |
WHO IS NEXT? Obviously, I can’t pick everyone myself. There are a lot of players out there that have their own ideas about who should be in this Hall of Fame. We need to work together to make sure that everyone gets a fair shake. Send me your candidates AND state their contribution, reason or justification that qualifies them for the Hall of Fame. Contributions to the hall of fame are always welcomed. Scenarios and Modpacks do not need to be in English to be considered, but emails for nominations have to be. Be advised, I will play their modpack, scenario or creation just because I want to. |