Reign of Zimrida of the Phoenicians
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Game Info: Played at King level with Raging Hordes on a map of Earth with the Babylonians moved west to the location of Phoenicia on the east Mediterranean Sea coast. Also played with the Fascist Patch added.
In time eternal, the Phoenicians were always an advanced people. With knowledge of irrigation, mining and road building and the traditions of Ceremonial Burial, Mysticism and Pottery, Zimrida of Sidon united the Phoenicians under his rule and pledged to create the greatest civilization the world had ever seen.
4000- Sidon is founded. Shortly thereafter, Zimrida unites the Phoenicians under his rule.
A second band of settlers heads south.
3800- Settlers encounter a mercenary Legion they convince to join them as the 1st Legion.
3750- Settlers discover the Egyptian city of Thebes and is hailed by Pharoah Cleopatra of the Egyptians. She offers a peace treaty that Zimrida accepts.
3650- Lord Macaulay completes a history of the Happiest civilizations; Egypt-4, Phoenicia-6.
3500- Phoenician wise men discover Bronze Working.
Settlers discover an advanced tribe south of Sidon they convince to join Phoenicia as the city of Tyre.
3400- A Phoenician Warrior is ambushed by a barbarian Chariot. The CHariot attacks the Warrior and is killed.
3250- Sidon forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
3200- Phoenician wise men develop an Alphabet.
A Phoenician Warrior encounters a mercenary Legion and convinces them to Phoenicia as the 2nd Legion.
3150- Settlers found Byblos southeast of Tyre.
3100- 1st Legion discover the Greek city of Athens and are hailed in the name of Empress Hippolyta. She offers a peace treaty and Zimrida refuses.
3050- Zimrida hails Hippolyta and signs a peace treaty.
3000- Tyre forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
2850- Phoenician wise men discover the art of Map Making.
2700- A census shows there are 100,000 people in Phoenicia.
2650- 2nd Legion is ambushed by a barbarian Chariot.
Byblos forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
The barbarian Chariot attacks and kills the 2nd Legion.
2600- Cleopatra hails and trades Writing for Ceremonial Burial and Masonry for Mysticism.
2200- Phoenician wise men discover Seafaring.
2050- A Phoenician Warrior encounters mercenary Elephants and convinces them to join themas the 1st Elephants.
1st Elephants encounter a Warrior flying a turquoise banner that hails in the name of Empress Wu Zhou of the Chinese. She offers a peace treaty and Zimrida accepts. Zimrida also notices that all the other leaders are female.
2000- 1st Elephants discover the forgotten knowledge of Warrior Code near the Chinese city of Shanghai.
1800- A Phoenician Warrior encounters a mercenary Chariot east of Shanghai and convinces them to join Phoenicia as the 1st Chariot.
1st Elephant encounters a mercenary Legion and convinces them to join Phoenicia as the 3rd Legion.
1700- Settlers found Berytus south of the Caucasus Mountains on the coast of the Black and Casptian Seas.
1600- Sidon builds a Barracks.
1550- Thucydides completes a history of the Most Powerful civilizations; Phoenicia-1, Greece-3, Egypt-4, China-6.
Settlers found Arvad on the Indus River.
1st Elephants encounter an advanced tribe they persuade to join Phoenicia as the city of Ugarit in central Asia.
1500- Phoenician High Council meets in Sidon.
1450- 1st Elephants discover a Code of Laws.
3rd Legion encounters a mercenary Legion and, recounting the stories of Phoenicia told to them, convinces them to join them as the 4th Legion.
1400- 1st Chariot discover the forgotten art of Horseback Riding.
A Phoenician Warrior encounters an advanced tribe southwest of Shanghai near the Himalayas and convinces them to join Phoenicia as the city of Kition.
1300- 4th Legion is ambushed by a barbarian Chariot and survives it’s attack.
1250- Sidon forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
1200- A small scale census shows that Literacy has spread throughout Phoenicia.
1150- Tyre builds a Barracks.
A census shows there are 210,000 people in Phoenicia.
1100- 1st Elephants discover valuable metal deposits worth 50 gold.
1050- Arvad forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
1000- 1st Chariot encounters another mercenary Legion and convinces them to join as the 5th Legion.
Berytus forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
975- 1st Elephants discover knowledge that brings about the Golden Age of Philosophy in the Phoenician city of Sidon. Great Phoenician thinkers articulate scientific, moral, and metaphysical systems which endure for centuries to come.
In the rush of intellectual thinking that follows, Phoenician wise men form a system of Currency.
950- 3rd Legion discovers metal deposits worth 25 gold.
Tyre forms a second Phalanx for garrison city.
925- A census shows there are 300,000 people in Phoenicia.
900- Byblos builds a Barracks.
Ugarit forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
875- 5th Legion encounters some wandering nomads and convinces them to join Phoenicia.
850- 4th Legion discovers an advanced tribe and wows them with tales of Phoenicia, convincing them to join them as the city of Melite.
825- 3rd Legion encounters a mercenary Chariot and convinces them to join them as the 2nd Chariot.
Kition forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
775- 1st Elephants discover Polytheism.
750- 1st Chariot encounters a Phalanx flying a blue banner that hails in the name of King Louis XIV of the French. He offers a peace treaty and Zimrida signs it.
2nd Chariot encounters the city of Moscow and is hailed in the name of Empress Catherine the Great of the Russians. Zimrida trades Warrior Code for The Wheel and signs a peace treaty with Catherine.
725- Byblos forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
700- 1st Elephants discover the art of Construction.
650- Wu Zhou hails. Zimrida trades Philosophy for Monarchy. Reviewing the new gotten knowledge, Zimrida begins government reforms.
625- Kingdom of Phoenicia is formed. Zimrida is proclaimed King.
Sneak attack by French Forces! A French Phalanx attacks and kills the 1st Chariot.
550- Zimrida hails Louis and they both sign a cease fire and peace treaty. Zimrida dislikes the loss of a Chariot but isn’t prepared to go to war.
525- A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 400,000 subjects.
500- 4th Legion attacks and destroys a barbarian Horsemen near Melite.
Settlers found Leptis Magna on the Crimean peninsula.
475- Wu Zhao hails and boasts of the Chinese discovery of The Republic.
Settlers found Oea on the Ganges River, e/se of Arvad.
Melite forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
Leptis Magna forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
450- Settlers found Sabrata at the mouth of the Ganges River.
1st Elephants are ambushed by 8 barbarian Chariots.
1st Elephants are attacked and killed by a barbarian Chariot.
A barbarian Horsemen attacks Melite and is killed.
400- France completes the Hanging Gardens of Paris.
375- Settlers found Girba on the Mekong River.
350- Egypt completes the Great Pyramids of Thebes.
4th Legion is ambushed by 8 barbarian Chariots. He manages to survive three of their attacks but is killed by a fourth.
325- Phoenician wise men develop the art of Trade.
300- Hippolyta hails and offers an alliance against France. Zimrida declines.
A babrbarian Chariot attacks Melite and is killed.
275- Two barbarian Chariots attack Melite and are killed.
Sneak attack by Russian forces! A Russian Warrior attacks the 2nd Chariot and is killed.
Berytus builds a Barracks.
A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 520,000 subjects.
Two barbarian Chariots attack Melite and are killed.
A Russian Horsemen attacks the 2nd Chariot and is killed.
250- Arvad builds a Barracks.
Settlers found Hadrumetum west of the Chinese City of Tsingtao.
Oea forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
225- Sabrata forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
Hadrumetum forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
150- Kition builds a Barracks.
A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 600,000 subjects.
125- Herodotus completes a history of the Most Advanced civilizations; Kingdom of Phoenicia-1, Greece-2, Egypt-3, France-4, China-5, Russia-7.
Arvad forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
100- Ugarit builds a Barracks.
Berytus forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
2nd Chariot attacks and kills a Russian Warrior.
75- A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 710,000 subjects.
2nd Chariot attacks the Russian city of Minsk and is killed.
Girba forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
50- Zimrida hails Catherine the Great who offers a cease fire and peace treaty. Zimrida accepts both and then receives 75 gold in reparations.
25- Catherine hails and offers 50 gold for declaring war against France. Zimrida declines.
A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 820,000 subjects.
Kition forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
1- Phoenician High Council meets in Sidon.
20- A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 910,000 subjects.
Settlers found Motya east of Melite.
60- Phoenician wise men establish Monoheism in the kingdom with King Zimrida’s approval.
Ugarit forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
140- Settlers found Panormus west of Ugarit.
Settlers found Soleis south of Arvad.
160- Tyre builds a Marketplace.
180- Settlers found Nora west of Soleis.
200- Melite builds a Barracks.
Motya forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
220- Hadrumetum builds a Barracks.
260- A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 1,090,000 subjects.
Settlers found Sulcis north of Berytus on the west coast of the Caspian Sea.
Settlers found Caralis in a clearing in the midst of the Himalayan Mountains.
280- Oea builds a Barracks.
Arvad builds a Temple.
300- Learnign that China has nearly completed it’s own library project, Zimrida sells several Barracks and pours gold into completing his own.
Melite forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
320- Phoenicia completes the Great Library of Sidon.
Soleis forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
Hadrumetum forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
Panormus forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
340- China completes the Colossus of Beijing.
Phoenician military advisor Rib-Addi forms Engineering. Zimrida congratulates his good thinking.
360- Settlers found Tharros northwest of Byblos.
Nora forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
380- Sabrata builds a Barracks.
Kition builds a Barracks.
A Phoenician Warrior discovers The Republic. Zimrida declines government reforms.
Oea forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
400- Hippolyta hails and offers 150 gold to ally with them against Egypt. Zimrida declines.
440- Girba builds a Barracks.
Caralis forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
460- France completes the Lighthouse of Paris.
Berytus builds a Temple.
Sidon builds a Temple.
Sulcis forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
500- Leptis Magna builds a Barracks.
520- Settlers found Magno east of Motya.
Sabrata forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
540- Settlers found Palma southwest of Girba.
560- Phoenician wise men acquire Banking from the Great Library.
Tharros forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
580- Settlers found Ebusus north of Hadrumetum.
620- Settlers found Lucentum southwest of Panormus.
640- Ugarit builds a Temple.
Leptis Magna forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
Girba forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
660- Sidon builds City Walls.
Settlers discover valuable metal deposits wirth 50 gold in the southern Middle Peninsula.
680- Motya builds a Barracks.
Arvad builds a Marketplace.
Palma forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
690- Phoenician wise men acquire Bridge Building from the Great Library.
700- Mago forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
720- Settlers found Abdera s/se of Soleis.
740- Settlers found Sexi on the southern tip of the Middle Peninsula.
760- Ebusus forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
780- Gibbon completes a history of the Most Powerful civilizations; Kingdom of Phoenicia-1, France-2, Egypt-3, Russia-4, Greece-5, China-7.
Panormus builds a Barracks.
Kition builds a Marketplace.
Motya forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
820- Soleis builds a Barracks.
Settlers found Carteia amidst the western Himalayan Mountains.
Lucentum forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
840- Phoenician wise men form a system of Mathematics.
A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 2,050,000 subjects.
860- Nora builds a Barracks.
Berytus builds a Marketplace.
Hadrumetum forms the 2nd Elephants.
900- Melite builds a Marketplace.
Settlers found Gades south of Melite.
920- Soleis forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
940- Kition comissions a diplomat.
Panormus forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
Sexi forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
Settlers found Tartessos northwest of Tharros.
960- Kition diplomat establishes an embassy with China at Nanking.
Nora forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
980- China develops University.
Oea builds a Marketplace.
Ugarit forms the 3rd Elephants.
Abdera forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
1000- Caralis builds a Barracks.
Phoenician High Council meets in Sidon.
Carteia forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
1010- Phoenician wise men acquire Invention from the Great Library.
China acquires Bridge Building from France. They both sign a peace treaty.
1020- Hippolyta hails and offers an alliance against Egypt.
1030- Ebusus builds a Barracks.
Hadrumetum forms the 4th Elephants.
Zimrida hails Wu Zhao and demands tribute. She withdraws her forces and gives 400 gold. Zimrida, who was looking to goad her to war, is pleasantly shocked.
1040- Palma builds a Barracks.
Tyre completes the Grand Phoenician Workshop. Zimrida attends the ceremony opening it for study.
1060- Tharros builds a Barracks.
1070- China develops Economics.
Tartessos forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
Caralis forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
1080- Louis XIV hails and boasts of their development of Feudalism.
China acquires Invention from Greece. They sign a peace treaty.
Sulcis builds a Barracks.
1090- Palma forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
1100- Ebusus forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
Gades forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
1110- China acquires Iron Working from Greece. Zimrida, wishing to give the Phoenician people their first military victory and seeing China the easiest prey, decides to put his reputation at stake and moves the 2nd through 4th Elephants towards Tsingtao. Phoenician wise men acquire Iron Working from the Great Library. China acquires Engineering from Greece.
Phoenician wise men acquire Medicine from the Great Library.
China acquires Polytheism from Greece.
Phoenicians acquire Economics from the Great Library. Truly a great period of scientific development for Phoenicia!
1120- Egypt completes Pharaoh Ramesses Crusade.
1130- Ugarit forms the 5th Elephants.
Zimrida breaks the peace treaty with China! 2nd Elephants attack Tsingtao and are killed. 3rd and 4th Elephants kill the Phalanx and Warrior garrison and the 4th captures Tsingtao, plundering 57 gold and taking University.
5th Elephants attack and kill a Chinese settler and Catapault east of Tsingtao.
Tharros forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
1140- A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 3,030,000 subjects.
1150- Mago builds a Barracks.
Sulcis forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
3rd and 4th Elephants attack Canton and destroy the two Phalanx garrison. The 5th captures Canton, plundering 50 gold.
1160- Wu Zhao hails and offers a cease fire. Zimrida refuses and she declares war.
A Chinese Catapault attacks and destroys Carteia and it’s Phalanx garrison.
Tsingtao forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
1180- Hippolyta hails and boasts of the Greek development of Metallurgy.
Sexi builds a Barracks.
Sabrata builds a Marketplace.
Canton forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
1190- China acquires Metallurgy from Greece. Phoenician wise emn acquire Metallurgy from the Great Library.
Lucentum builds a Barracks.
3rd and 4th Elephants attack the Chinese capitol of Beijing and kill the two Warrior garrison. The 4th captures Beijing, taking control of the Colossus and plundering 70 gold.
1220- Phoenician Economic advisor Abi-Milki finishes construction of Abi-Milki’s Trading Company is Byblos. Zimrida applauds his work.
Mago forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
1230- Motya builds a Marketplace.
Canton forms a second Phaland for garrison duty.
Hadrumetum forms the 1st Cannon.
Sexi forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
1250- Leptis Magna builds a Marketplace.
Beijing forms a Phalanx for garrison duty.
1260- Sneak attack by French forces! A French Elephant attacks and barely kills a settler northwest of Leptis Magna.
Soleis builds a Marketplace.
Girba builds a Marketplace.
Phoenician scientists discover Democracy.
Lucentum forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
1270- China develops Astronomy.
1280- Nora builds a Marketplace.
Kition builds a Bank.
1300- Tsingtao builds a Barracks.
Beijing forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
A Phalanx sallies forth from Leptis Magna and kills a French Elephant.
1310- China acquires Warrior Code from Greece.
Phoenician scientists acquire Astronomy from the Great Library.
China acquire The Wheel from Greece. Zimrida decides later to wage war on Greece for giving so much knowledge to his enemy China.
A Phalanx sallies forth from Leptis Magna and kills a French Catapault and Elephant.
1320- Berytus forms the 7th Elephants.
1330- Greece completes the Thespian Theatre of Rheims.
Hadrumetum forms the 2nd Cannon.
Ugarit forms the 3rd Cannon.
Zimrida hails Louis XIV and accepts the offered cease fire and peace treaty. Zimrida then demands and receives 150 gold reparations as French forces withdraw.
1340- Hippolyta hails and offers an alliance against Egypt. Zimrida declines.
1350- China acquires Monotheism from France.
Tartessos builds a Barracks.
Melite builds a Bank.
Settlers found Carteia Nova on the site of Carteia.
1360- Byblos builds a Barracks.
1370- Tsingtao forms a second Phalanx for garrison duty.
Settlers found Tingis northwest of Gades.
1380- Louis XIV hails and boasts of the French discovery of Theology.
Panormus builds a Marketplace.
Settlers found Lixus on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea.
1st through 3rd Cannons attack Shanghai and kill two Phalanx and a Legion. The 3rd Elephants attack and kill the final Warrior in the garrison and capture Shanghai, plundering 121 gold.
1390- Toynbee completes a history of the Largest civilizations; Kingdom of Phoenicia-1, Egypt-3, France-4, Greece-5, Russia-6, China-7.
Sidon completes Baal’s Chapel. Zimrida personally opens the doors that open the chapel to prayer.
A census shows the Kingdom of Phoenicia has 4,540,000 subjects.
With the chapel and trading company projects completed, Zimrida begins government reforms.
1410- Sabrata builds a Colosseum.
Tyre builds a Temple.
Republic of Phoenicia is formed. Zimrida is proclaimed Consul.
Beijing forms the 4th Cannon.
1420- In the aftermath of government reforms, several units are disbanded.
Phoenician scientists discover Firearms. The raw materials of obsolete Barracks bring in 880 gold. The Grand Phoenician Workshop upgrades all Legion, Warriors and Phalanx to Musketeers.
Beijing builds a Temple.
1430- Tsingtao builds a Temple.
Sidon builds a Colosseum.
Tartessos forms a Phalanx for garison duty. Zimrida is confident it will soon be upgraded.
1440- Palma builds a Marketplace.
Wu Zhao hails and Zimrida refuses an audience. However, the Senate meets behind his back and signs a peace treaty! Zimrida fumes.
1450- Phoenician scientists acquire Feudalism from the Great Library.
Catherine the Great hails and offers an alliance against France. Zimrida declines.
Caralis builds a Marketplace.
Canton builds City Walls.
Settlers found Rusaddir south of Motya.
Shanghai forms Musketeers for garrison duty.
1460- Greece completes Aristotle’s Observatory.
Arvad builds a Colosseum.
Shanghai builds a Temple.
Sidon comissions a diplomat.
1470- Melite builds a Temple.
1480- Hippolyta hails and offers Navigation for Firearms. Zimrida declines.
Phoenician military advisor Rib-Addi comes out with a paper titled ‘Code of Chivalry’. By Zimrida’s orders, the Grand Phoenician Workshop upgrades all Elephants to Knights.
1500- Catherne the Great hails and demands Zimrida cancel his treaty with France. Zimrida refuses and she demands Metallurgy. He again refuses then insists she withdraw her troops. Catherine replies by declaring war.
Phoenician High Council meets in Beijing as a sign of the victory against China.
1505- Shanghai builds a Barracks.
Cleopatra hails and demands University. Zimrida refuses and insists she withdraw her troops. In response, she declares war.
Phoenician Musketeers attack and kill an Egyptian Caravan east of Thebes.
1510- Berytus builds City Walls.
Shanghai builds a Colosseum.
Tyre builds a Colosseum.
Musketeers attack and kill another Egyptian Caravan east of Thebes.
1515- Phoenician scientists discover Chemistry. Zimrida sets them on finding it’s more explosive elements.
The Sidon diplomat establishes an embassy with Egypt at Thebes.
Lixus forms Musketeers for garrison duty.
Zimrida hails Hippolyta who demands Firearms. Zimrida refuses and insists she withdraw her troops. She responds by declaring war! Zimrida decides to teach Russia, Egypt and Greece that Phoenicia is not to be trifled with.
Tingis forms Musketeers for garrison duty.
1520- France and Russia sign "Moscow Pact" to contain Phoenician aggression!
Berytus builds a Barracks.
Zimrida hails Catherine and they agree to a cease fire but Catherine refuses a peace treaty stating they will ‘Not be manipulated by your Machiavellian plans’.
7th Knights attack and kill a Greek settler west of Lixus.
1525- Egypt develops Navigation.
Phoenician scientists acquire Navigation from the Great Library.
Byblos builds a Barracks.
Disorder breaks out in Sidon. Zimrida rushes to restore order.
A census shows the Republic of Phoenicia has 5,050,000 citizens.
1530- Louis XIV hails and demands Navigation. Zimrida refuses.
A Greek Elephant attacks and kills a settler north of Sidon.
8th and 9th Knights attack and kill two Greek Elephants north of Sidon.
Musketeers attack and destroy an Egyptian Catapault east of Thebes.
Shanghai forms a second band of Musketeers for garrison duty.
1535- Greece and France sign "Lyons Pact" to contain Phoenician aggression!
Zimrida looks at the Triple Alliance and authorizes construction of a standing army.
A Greek Legion attacks and kills the 8th Knights.
Hadrumetum builds a Temple.
Zimrida hails Louis XIV and insists he withdraw a Cannon from Sulcis. Louis responds be declaring war.
Musketeers from Sulcis sally forth and destroy the French Cannon. France activates their alliance with Russia. Russia declares war on Phoenicia! Thus begins the Great War.
Musketeers from Tartessos attack and kill a Greek settler north of the city.
1540- China acquires Navigation from France. France and China sign "Avignon Pact" to contain Phoenician aggression! Zimrida finds himself now faces with the possibility of a two front war.
Sneak attack by Chinese forces! A Chinese Elephant attacks Beijing and is killed. Zimrida vows to wipe China off the face of the Earth.
Phoenician scientists acquire Sanitation from the Great Library.
Nora builds a Temple.
Tyre builds a Barracks.
Zimrida hails Cleopatra and refuses her demand for Metallurgy. They then sign a cease fire but Cleopatra refuses a peace treaty.
Musketeers attack and destroy a Greek Cannon outside Leptis Magna.
A Russian Elephant attacks
1545- Caralis builds a Temple.
Tsingtao builds a Barracks.
Canton builds a Temple.
Phoenician scientists create Explosives. The Grand Phoenician Workshop upgrades all settlers to engineers. Faced with the war against France, Greece, Russia and China, Zimrida sets military advisor Rib-Addi to developing a system to form a great army better than volunteering.
Beijing builds a Barracks.
1st Cannon attacks and kills a Chinese Legion south of Shanghai.
Musketeers sally forth from Shanghai and kill a Russian Explorer.
9th Knights attack and destroy a Greek Cannon north of Sidon.
Musketeers sally forth from Leptis Magna and kill a Greek Elephant north of the city.
A Greek Elephant attacks and kills the 9th Knights.