Part 2: Reign of Zimrida of the Phoenicians

Reign of Zimrida of the Phoenicians

Submitted by JBrasc

Page 2 of 4:

1550- Gades builds a Barracks.

Musketeers sally forth from Leptis Magna and destroy a Greek Cannon.

Rusaddir forms Musketeers for garrison duty.

Musketeers sally forth from Motya and kills a Russian settler.

Musketeers sally forth from Sidon and kill a Greek Elephant.

1555- Egypt develops Feudalism.

Sulcis builds a Temple.

Leptis Magna builds City Walls.

A French Elephant attacks Leptis Magna and is killed.

1560- A Greek Elephant attacks Leptis Magna and is killed.

1565- Soleis builds a Temple.

1570- Beijing builds a Colosseum.

A French Elephant attacks Sulcis and is killed.

A Russian Elephant attacks Melite and is killed.

1575- Musketeers sally forth from Sulcis and destroy a Russian Cannon.

10th Knights attack and kill a Greek settler north of Sidon.

11th Knights attack and destroy a Greek cannon southwest of Berytus.

1580- China acquires Democracy from France.

Egypt develops Metallurgy.

China acquires Theology from France. Phoenician scientists acquire Theology from the Great Library. China acquires Feudalism from France.

A Greek Elephant attacks the 10th Knights and is killed.

Musketeers sally forth from Leptis Magna and destroy two Greek Cannons.

Musketeers sally forth from Sulcis and destroy a Russian Cannon.

12th Knights attack Xinjian. They kill the Phalanx garrison and capture Xinjian, plundering 55 gold.

1585- France completes Notre Dame Cathedral.

Phoenician military advisor Rib-Addi develops a system of Conscription. Zimrida orders it implemented and the Grand Phoenician Workshop uprgrades all Musketeers to Riflemen.

A census shows the Republic of Phoenicia has 6,070,000 citizens.

7th Knights attack and kill a French Cannon and Russian Cannon outside Sulcis.

Riflemen sally forth from Sulcis and kills a French Elephant.

Riflemen sally forth from Leptis Magna and kill a Greek Elephant.

A Russian Elephant attacks Motya and is killed.

1590- Riflemen sally froth from Sulcis and destroys two Russian Cannons.

Riflemen sally forth from Melite and destroy a French Cannon.

Riflemen sally forth from Motya and destroy a Russian Cannon.

12th Knights attack and kill a Chinese settler north of Nanking.

Riflemen sally forth from Leptis Magna and destroy a Greek Cannon.

Wu Zhao hails and Zimrida refuses an audience. The Senate supports continued action against China.

1595- Chinese government if overthrown.

Phoenician scientists acquire Magnetism from the Great Library.

Phoenician scientists acquire Theology from the Great Library.

Arvad builds a Barracks.

Hippolyta hails and demands Firearms. Zimrida refuses.

Riflemen sally forth from Leptis Magna and destroy a Greek Cannon.

Riflemen sally forth from Melite and destroy a French Cannon.

Riflemen sally forth from Motya and destroy a Russian Cannon.

A French Elephant attacks Leptis Magna and is killed.

1600- Democratic Republic of China is formed. Wu Zhao is proclaimed President.

Kition builds a Stock Exchange.

1st Cannon and 15th and 16th Knights attack Nanking. 1st Cannon and 16th Knight skill the Legion and Archer garrison but the 15th Knight sare killed. 16th Knights capture Nanking, plundering 33 gold.


Wu Zhao is brought before Zimrida is chains.

A Russian Elephant attacks Motya and is killed.

1605- Xinjian forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

Riflemen sally forth from Motya and destroy a Russian Cannon.

A French Elephant attacks Leptis Magna and is killed.

1610- Egypt develops Magnetism.

Nora builds a Barracks.

13th and 14th Knights are killed attacking a Greek Pikemen in a fortress northwest of Sidon. 16th Knights kill the Greek Pikemen and take the fortress guarding the road leading to Athens.

7th Knights attack and destroy a French Cannon near Sulcis.

1615- Caralis builds a Barracks.

Sulcis builds a Barracks.

Bertyus builds a Colosseum.

1620- Louis XIV hails and demands Firearms. Zimrida refuses.

A French Elephant attacks

Lucentum builds a Marketplace.

Riflemen sally forth from Melite and destroy a French Cannon.

Riflemen sally forth from Motya and kill a French Caravan.

Riflemen sally forth from Leptis Magna and kill a French Elephant.

1625- Cleopatra hails and demands University. Zimrida refuses and offers a peace treaty that she refuses.

Cease fire with the Egyptians expires.

Phoenician military advisor Rib-Addi presents a paper titled ‘The Finer Points of Leadership’. Zimrida orders them implemented and all Knights are upgraded to Dragoons.

10th, 11th and 17th Dragoons attack Athens and destroy the Pikemen, Archer, Phalanx and Caravel garrison. The 17th captures Athens, taking control of Aristotle’s Observatory and plundering 239 gold.

Sneak attack by Egyptians! An Egyptian Cannon attacks and kills Riflemen in a fortress guarding the border between Egypt and Phoenicia.

1630- 19th Dragoons attack and destroy an Egyptian Cannon and Catapault east of Thebes.

Hippolyta hails and demands Firearms. Zimrida refuses. She redeclares war.

A French Cannon attacks Sulcis and kills a Riflemen.

1635- Soleis builds a Barracks.

Byblos builds a Temple.

Sidon builds an Aqueduct.

10th Dragoons attack and kill a Greek settler north of Athens.

7th Dragoons attack and destroy a French Cannon northwest of Sulcis.

A French Cannon attacks Sulcis and is destroyed.

1640- Egypt develops Physics.

A census shows the Republic of Phoenicia has 7,030,000 citizens.

Athens forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

19th Dragoons attack and destroy an Egyptian Cannon east of Thebes.

7th Dragoons attack and destroy a Russian Cannon northeast of Sulcis.

1645- Lixus builds a Barracks.

10th Dragoons attack and destroy a Greek Cannon in a fortress on the road to Sparta. 11th, 17th and 18th Dragoons kill the Pikemen and Archer garrison but the 11th is killed. 18th captures Sparta, plundering 163 gold.

18th Dragoons attack and kill a French settler north of Sparta.

A French Elephant attacks Sulcis and is killed.

1650- Hippolyta hails and demands Firearms. Zimrida refuses and she redeclares war.

Carteia Nova builds a Barracks.

Kition builds a Barracks.

Gades forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

A French Cannon attacks Sulcis and is destroyed.

A Greek Elephant attacks Sparta and the 10 Dragoons are killed.

A Greek Legion attacks the 16th Dragoons and is killed.

1655- Phoenician scientists discover Physics. Zimrida sets them on discovering ways to put it to practical uses.

12th Dragoons attack and kill a Greek Elephant outside Sparta.

19th Dragoons attack and kill an Egyptian Caravan east of Thebes.

1660- Catherine the Great hails and demands Firearms. Zimrida refuses and she redeclares war.

Sparta forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

1665- Egypt develops Steam Engine.

A Russian Elephant attacks an engineering team outside Mago and is killed.

19th Dragoons attack and destroy an Egyptian Cannon east of Thebes.

Nanking forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

1670- Palma builds a Temple.

Oea builds a Bank.

12th Dragoons attack and destroy a Greek Cannon in a fortress w/nw of Sparta.

16th Dragoons attack and kill a French Cannon northeast of Sparta.

19th Dragoons attack and destroy an Egyptian Cannon east of Thebes.

1675- Rusaddir builds a Barracks.

Ugarit builds a Marketplace.

19th Dragoons attack and kill an Egyptian Caravan east of Thebes.

12th Dragoons attack and kill a Greek settler west of Sparta.

7th Dragoons attack and destroy a Russian Cannon northeast of Sulcis.

Russian diplomat steals Explosives from Melite!

1680- 12th Dragoons attack the Greek city of Thermopylae and kill it’s Pikemen garrison. 16th Dragoons capture Thermopylae, plundering 100 gold.

17th Dragoons attack and destroy a French Cannon northeast of Sparta.

18th Dragoons enocunter a Greek Legion and Hippolyta hails. She demands Firearms and Zimrida refuses. She then offers a cease fire and Zimrida refuses but the Senate overrules him and agrees. Zimrida fumes and hopes the Senate hasn’t set them up for another sneak attack.

20th Dragoons attack and kill a French Legion in a fortress n/ne of Sparta.

1685- Abdera builds a Barracks.

Phoenician scientists discover Steam Engine. Zimrida and Rib-Addi set them on finding a way to transport Phoenician forces faster.

19th Dragoons attack and destroy an Egyptian Cannon east of Thebes.

1690- 12th, 16th, 17th and 18th Dragoons attack the French city of Lyons. They kill the two Legion and Archer garrison and the 18th captures Lyons, plundering 75 gold.

Sparta forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

19th Dragoons attack and destroy an Egyptian Cannon east of Thebes.

1695- France completes the War Academy of Marseilles.

A French Elephant attacks Melite and is killed.

Egypt develops Railroad.

Melite builds a Barracks.

17th Dragoons discover the French capitol of Paris. Louis XIV hails and demands Firearms. Zimrida refuses and he redeclares war.

Nora constructs the 1st Frigate.

1700- Egypt builds Ra’s Tower.

A Russian Cannon attacks Sulcis and kills a Riflemen.

Sabrata builds a Bank.

Athens builds a Barracks.

Cateia Nova forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

7th Dragoons attack and destroy the Russian cannon northeast of Sulcis.

Thermopylae forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

An Egyptian Ironclad attacks Abdera and is sunk.

A Russian Legion attacks Melite and is killed.

1705- Abdera builds a Temple.

Byblos builds a Marketplace.

An Egyptian Frigate attacks the 19th Dragoons and is sunk.

An Egyptian Frigate attacks the 1st Frigate and sinks it.

1710- Cleopatra hails and offers a cease fire and Zimrida accepts. He offers a peace treaty and Cleopatra refuses.

The Greeks break the cease fire! A Greek Elephant attacks Thermopylae and is killed.

A Russian Elephant attacks and engineering team outside

1715- Canton builds a Barracks.

Phoenician scientists develop Railroad. Zimrida orders construction of a railroad system immediately.

Battle of Paris commences. 12th, 16th and 17th Dragoons are killed. 18th and 19th kill the Pikemen and two Archer garrison and the 19th captures Paris, taking control of Notre Dame Cathedral and plundering 105 gold.

Louis XIV hails and demands Railroad. Zimrida refuses and Louis redeclares war.

19th Dragoons attack and kill a French settler west of Paris.

Lyons forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

7th Dragoons attack and destroy two French Cannons south of Marseilles.

Lixus forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

1720- Nankign builds a Barracks.

A census shows the Republic of Phoenicia has 8,560,000 citizens.

7th Dragoons attack and kill a Russian diplomat northeast of Sulcis.

18th, 20th and 21st Dragoons attack the Greek city of Rheims, killing it’s Phalanx and two Archer garrison.

1725- Egypt develops Industrialization.

Motya builds a Bank.

Tsingtao builds a Marketplace.

Tyre builds a Library.

21st Dragoons attack Rheims, killing it’s Pikemen garrison and then capturing the city, taking control of Thespian Theatre and plundering 155 gold.

1730- St. Augustine completes a history of the Wealthiest civilizations; Russia-1, Egypt-2, Republic of Phoenicia-3, France-5, Greece-6.

Lyons builds a Barracks.

A French Elephant attacks the 18th Dragoons and is killed.

1735- Girba builds a Bank.

A census shows the Republic of Phoenicia has 9,040,000 citizens.

Rheims forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

1740- Hippolyta hails and offers a cease fire. Zimrida refuses but the Senate overrules him and agrees. Zimrida, feeling that if there’s going to be peace with Greece it should be complete, offers a peace treaty and Hippolyta accepts.

Catherine the Great hails and demands Railroad. Zimrida refuses and she redeclares war.

A Russian Elephant attacks Mago and is killed.

Sabrata builds a Barracks.

Phoenician military advisor Rib-Addi presents a paper titled ‘The Art of Tactics’. Zimrida orders the guidelines of the paper implmented and the Grand Phoenician Workshop upgrades all Dragoons to Cavalry.

18th, 20th and 21st Cavalry attack the French city of Orleans. They kill the two Pikemen and Legion garrison and the 21st captures Orleans, plundering 93 gold.

22nd Cavalry encounters a French Cannon and Louis XIV hails. Louis demands Railroad and Zimrida refuses. He then offers a cease fire and Zimrida refuses but the Senate overrules him and agrees. Zimrida, very irritated with the Senate, offers a peace treaty and Louis refuses. Zimrida wishes a better option of government were available.

Paris forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

1745- Egypt completes Darwin’s Voyage.

Egypt develops Communism.

Egypt develops University.

Byblos constructs the 1st Ironclad.

18th Cavalry attacks and kills a Russian engineer northeast of Orleans.

1750- Kition builds a Library.

Phoenician High Council meets in Orleans as gesture of victory over China, Greece and France.

Rusaddir forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

1752- Leptis Magna builds a Barracks.

Ugarit builds a Barracks.

Orleans forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

A Russian Legion attacks the 18th Cavalry outside Moscow and is killed.

1754- Sulcis builds City Walls.

18th Cavalry attacks the Russian capitol of Moscow and is killed.

20th, 21st and 23rd Cavalry attack Moscow and kill the Legion, Lhalanx and Warrior garrison. The 23rd captures Moscow, plundering 210 gold.

Catherine the Great hails and demands Railroad. Zimrida refuses and she offers a cease fire that Zimrida accepts. Zimrida then offers a peace treaty that Catherine refuses.

1756- Abi-Milki introduces Industrialization. Zimrida applauds his work and sets him on finding a centralized military government lest France and Russia continue the war.

Oea builds a Barracks.

Paris builds a Barracks.

A census shows the Republic of Phoenicia has 10,400,000 citizens.

Nanking forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

Thermopylae forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

1758- Egypt grants Women’s Suffrage.

Cateia Nova builds a Temple.

Tartessos builds a Barracks.

Moscow forms Riflemen for garrison duty.

Athens forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

Egypt develops Economics.

Egypt completes Magellan’s Expedition.

Barbarian Dragoons attack Sexi and Soleis and are killed.

1760- Soleis builds a Bank.

1762- Moscow builds a Barracks.

Lyons forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

1764- Tyre builds City Walls.

Phoenician scientists discover reforms leading to a form of government called Communism. Zimrida, seeing it as exactly the type of government he needs, decides to hold off reforms until or unless the war resumes.

Rheims forms a second band of Riflemen for garrison duty.

Byblos constructs the 2nd Ironclad.

1766- 1st Ironclad discovrs the last Greek city of Corinth in Iberia.

1768- Cleopatra hails and demands Firearms. Zimrida refuses.

The cease fire with Egypt ends.

Gades builds a Temple.

Canton builds a Marketplace.

A census shows the Republic of Phoenicia has 11,110,000 citizens.

A diplomat establishes an embassy with Russia at Kiev.

A diplomat establishes an embassy with France at Tours. Zimrida and his military advisor Rib-Addi review the new intelligence. Rib-Addi figures if war should resume, lightning attacks against Russia and France will wipe them both out.

1770- Sneak attack by Egyptian forces! An Egyptian Cannon attacks and kills the 19th Cavalry.

1772- Egypt develops Firearms.

Sexi builds a Barracks.

Lucentum builds a Barracks.

Xinjian builds a Barracks.

Girba builds a Barracks.

Oea builds a Temple.

Sidon constructs the 1st Dreadnought.

1st Dreadnought shells and destroys two Egyptian Cannons northeast of Thebes.

1774- Phoenician military advisor Rib-Addi presents a paper titled ‘Knowing your enemy: The Benifits of Espionage’.

1st Dreadnought shells two Egyptian Cannons east of Thebes and destroys them. The 1st then attacks and sinks and Egyptian Frigate.

Two groups of Riflemen sally forth from Tyre and destroy two Egyptian Cannons.

1st Ironclad discovers two uncolonized isles across a channel from Europe.

1776- Russia acquires Monotheism from France.

Caralis builds a Bank.

Sparta builds City Walls.

Nanking builds a Temple.

An Egyptian Dreadnought attacks and destroys a transport.

1778- Though not the war he’d planned for, Zimrida begins government reforms due to the war with Egypt.

1st Dreadnought attacks and sinks an Egyptian Dreadnought.

1780- Louis XIV hails and demands Railroad. Zimrida refuses and, looking to goad them into breaking the cease fire, demands tribute. Unsurprisingly, Louis indeed declares war.

A Russian diplomat steals Railroad from Moscow. Zimrida declares war! The war resumes.

Motya builds a Barracks.

Beijing builds a Marketplace.

18th Cavalry destroys two Russian Cannons outside Moscow.

20th attacks and kills a Russian Elephant southwest of Moscow.

21st attacks and kills a Russian engineer outside Kiev.

22nd attacks Kiev and kills the Legion and Archer garrison. 23rd captures Kiev, plundrering 95 gold.

Russian government is overthrown.

24th Cavalry attacks and destroys a French Cannon west of Marseilles.

7th Cavalry attacks and kills a Russian Elephant outside Sulcis.

1782- Russian Empire is formed. Catherine the Great is proclaimed Empress.

Rusaddir builds a Temple.

Tsingtao builds a Bank.

1784- Egypt develops Chemistry.

An Egyptian Frigate attacks the 1st Dreadnought and is sunk.

Russia acquires Trade from France. France acquires Railroad from Russia.

Xinjian builds a Temple.

People’s Republic of Phoenicia is formed. Zimrida is proclaimed Comrade.

1st Dreadnought shells the Egyptian city of Elephantine, killing the Musketeers and transport garrison.

1786- Egyptian government is overthrown.

Barbarians capture Palma and plunder 2 gold.

Mago builds a Marketplace.

Lyons builds a Temple.

Athens builds a Temple.

24th and 25th Cavalry attack Tours and kill the Pikemen and two Archer garrison. An engineer captures Tours, plundering 81 gold.

18th Cavalry attacks and kills a Russian engineer northwest of Minsk.

French government is overthrown.

Louis XIV hails and demands Industrialization. Zimrida refuses and he redeclares war.

1788- Kingdom of France is formed. Louis XIV is proclaimed King. Immediately afterwards, the French government is overthrown again. Zimrida smiles at their turmoil.

People’s Republic of Egypt is formed. Cleopatra is proclaimed Comrade.

Melite builds City Walls.

18th and 20th Cavalry attack Minsk and kill the two Legion garrison. The 21st capture Minsk, plundering 60 gold.

26th Cavalry attacks and destroys an Egyptian Cannon east of Thebes.

1st Dreadnought shells Elephantine, killing it’s Musketeers garrison.

31st Cavalry liberates Palma from barbarian control.

1790- French Republic is formed. Louis XIV is proclaimed Consul.

Russian government is overthrown.

Catherine the Great hails and demands Industrialization. Zimrida refuses and she then offers a cease fire. With no Senate, Zimrida again refuses and she redeclares war.

Ebusus builds a Marketplace.

Rheims builds a Temple.

1st Dreadnought attacks and kills an Egyptian Ironclad.

1792- Rusian Republic formed. Catherine the Great proclaimed Consul.

Lixus builds a Temple.

Hadrumetum builds a Colosseum.

Phoenician scientists discover Electricity. The Grand Phoenician Workshop upgrades all Ironclad to Destroyers.

Sparta builds a Barracks.

Paris builds a Temple.

27th and 28th Cavalry attack Marseilles. They kill the Pikemen and two Archer garrison and the 28th captures Marseilles, taking control of War Academy of Marseilles and plundering 112 gold.

1794- Orleans builds a Temple.

A census shows the P.R.P has 12,470,000 people.

26th Cavalry attack and destroy two Egyptian Cannons east of Thebes.

1796- Egypt develops Chivalry.

An Egyptian Knight attacks the Egypt invasion force and is killed.

An Egyptian Ironclad attacks the 1st Dreadnought and is killed.

1798- Tartessos builds a Temple.

Lucentum builds a Temple.

22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th Cavalry attack the French city of Chartres and kill the Pikemen and two Archer garrison. The 25th captures Chartres, plundering 92 gold.

A Destroyer flying a purple banner attacks the 1st Destroyer and is sunk.

Cateia Nova builds a Marketplace.

Motya builds a Temple.

A census shows the P.R.P has 13,020,000 people.

1st Destroyer attacks a purple bannered transport and is sunk.

26th Cavalry attacks and destroys two Egyptian Cannons east of Thebes.

1800- Tsingtao builds City Walls.

Cleopatra hails and offers a cease fire. Looking to inflict a defeat on them to prevent Egypt’s overconfidence in the future, Zimrida refuses and she redeclares war.

22nd and 23rd Cavalry attack the last French city of Avignon. They kill the Pikemen and Legion garrison and the 23rd captures Avignon, plundering 40 gold.


Louis XIV is brought before Zimrida in chains.

Looking to finally end the war, Zimrida hails Catherine who demands Industrialization. Zimrida refuses and she offers a cease fire he accepts. Zimrida offers a peace treaty but Catherine states she will not be ‘manipulated by your Machiavellian plans’.

2nd Destroyer shells Elephantine, killing it’s Musketeers garrison.

An Egyptian Knight attacks the Egypt invasion force and is killed.

1802- Sexi builds a Temple.

Mago builds a Temple.

Sparta comissions Spy 001.

Nanking builds a Marketplace.

Phoenician scientists develop Steel. The Grand Phoenician Workshop upgrades all Cannon to Artillery.

Barbarians capture the Egyptian city of Avaris.

1804- Sulcis builds a Marketplace.

Sabrata builds a Temple.

Orleans commissions Spy 002.

An Egyptian Knight and Cannon attacs the 26th Knights and an engineer outside Thebes. The Knight is killed but the 26th and engineer are killed by the Cannon.

1806- Melite builds a Harbor.

Canton builds a Bank.

Battle of Thebes commences. 1st and 2nd Artillery shell Thebes and kill two Musketeers. This is followed by a frontal attack that kills the 27th and 28th Cavalry. The 29th, 30th and 31st attack and kill the remaining Musketeers and Cannon for garrison and the 31st captures Thebes, taking control of the Pyramids, Ra’s Tower and plundering 134 gold.

Cleopatra hails and offers a cease fire. Zimrida accepts and offers a peace treaty that she refuses. Zimrida then demands reaparations and Cleopatra redeclares war.

Looking to take control of all of Europe, Spy 001 incites a revolt in the Greek city of Corinth for 126 gold and rerturns safely to Thermopylae. 88 gold is plundered.


Hippolyta is brought before Zimrida in chains.

Russians break the cease fire! A Russian Elephant attacks an engineering team outside Mago and is killed.