Kemet, the fertile band of the Nile floodplain, is the heart of ancient Egypt. Its over five thousand years of history have been sustained by the river and the life-giving silt that it leaves, building layers of trade, conquest, and the monuments to immortality that were its wonders. Its riches were legendary – and tempting. Egypt fell to Persia in 525 BCE, but the Nile still flows.
Unique Ability
Gifts of Osiris: Increased Production on Navigable Rivers.
- Cultural
- Economic
Civic Trees
Arrival of Hapi
- Tier 1: Unlock the Mortuary Temple Unique Infrastructure. Minor Rivers do not end Unit movement. Unlocks ‘Akhet’ Tradition.
- Tradition – Akhet: Increased Food on Navigable Rivers.
Scales of Anubis
- Tier 1: Unlock the Mastaba Unique Infrastructure. Medjay Units generate Gold when stationed in a Settlement you own. Unlocks ‘Riches of the Duat’ Tradition.
- Tradition – Riches of the Duat: Increased Production towards Wonders.
Light of Amun-Ra
- Tier 1: Increased Gold on the Palace. Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks ‘Kemet’ Tradition and Pyramids Wonder.
- Tradition – Kemet: Increased Culture on Navigable Rivers.
Unique Infrastructure
Necropolis (Quarter): Gain Gold every time a Wonder is completed in this City.
Mastaba (Tomb): Culture base. Gold adjacency for Desert tiles.
Mortuary Temple: Gold base. Happiness adjacency for Navigable Rivers.
Unique Civilian Unit
Tjaty: Visier/architect Unit. Can only be built in Cities with a Necropolis, and the specific Tjaty received is random. Each Tjaty can only be received once. Cost increases per Tjaty built.
Possible Tjaty Units:
- Amhose: Activated on the Palace to add Culture to the building.
- Aperel: Grants Chariot Units with increased Combat Strength.
- Hemiunu: Activated on a Wonder under construction to add a medium amount of Production.
- Imhotep: Activated on a Wonder under construction to add a larger amount of Production.
- Khay: Grants Medjay Units that have increased Combat Strength.
- Nebet: Activated on a Necropolis to immediately trigger a Golden Age.
- Paser: Activated on a Wonder under Construction to add a smaller amount of Production.
- Ptahhotep: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called ‘The Maxims of Ptahhotep’ that grants increased Science.
- Ramose: Activated on a Wonder to add Gold to it.
- Useramen: Activated on a Wonder to add Culture to it.
Unique Military Unit
Medjay: Tier 1 Infantry. Increased Combat Strength in friendly territory, doubled when stationed in a Settlement you own.
Associated Wonder
Pyramids: Adds Gold. Increased Gold and Production on Minor and Navigable River tiles in this City. Must be placed on a Desert adjacent to a Navigable River tile.
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