An Algonquian-speaking people originally from what is now the eastern United States, the Shawnee fought hard to keep their land and traditions. Their fiercest battles were with the United States, as the new nation pushed westward. Seeking to build a coalition of indigenous people to form a united front, the Shawnee established a settlement at Prophetstown, but the US Army loomed on the horizon.
Unique Ability
Nepekifaki: Settlements built adjacent to Navigable Rivers gain increased Food on River tiles, but Cities not built adjacent to a Navigable River receive less Food.
- Economic
- Political
Civic Trees
Wyehi Simekofi
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Mawaskawe Skote Unique Infrastructure. Unlocks ‘Bread Dance’ Tradition.
- Tradition – Bread Dance: Increased Culture to all Farming Towns and increased Food for all Fishing Towns.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. Mawaskawe Skote receives increased Culture per allied City-State.
Miyaska Latoweki
- Tier 1: Adds Gold for each Trade Route while you have a set number of Endeavors active. Unlocks ‘Kakawfe Pafkotaweta’ Tradition.
- Tradition – Kakawfe Pafkotaweta: Adds Culture and Gold for every time an Environmental Event has provided Fertility this Age. Improvements, buildings, and Urban Districts do not get pillaged by storms .
- Tier 2: Additional Resource Cap in your Capital per Allied City-State.
- Tier 1: You can support other leaders’ wars multiple times instead of once. Unlocks ‘Helikhilenawewipe’ Tradition.
- Tradition – Helikhilenawewipe: Increased Influence Efficiency to the Befriend Independent action.
- Tier 2: The Kispoko Nena’to Unique Military Unit receives increased Combat Strength per Positive War Support. Increased Influence per turn.
Maleki Kintake
- Tier 1: Increased Food on Farms and Camps. Unlocks ‘Takesiyake Yepepoki’ Tradition and Serpent Mound Wonder.
- Tradition – Takesiyake Yepepoki: Cities receive additional Production on Tundra, Desert, and Plains tiles.
Unique Infrastructure
Mawaskawe Skote: Adds Food. Increased Gold for each adjacent Resource. Must be placed on a Vegetated tile not adjacent to another Mawaskawe Skote.
Unique Civilian Unit
Hoceepkileni: Missionary replacement Unit. Has increased movement, and Rivers do not end movement.
Unique Military Unit
Kispoko Nena’to: Infantry replacement Unit. Has increased Combat Strength for every Empire Resource.
Associated Wonder
Serpent Mound: Adds Science. Increased Science and Production to all Unique Improvements. Must be placed on a Grassland tile.
Tecumseh and Shawnee Pack
*Shawnee civilization is part of the Tecumseh and Shawnee Pack DLC. The Tecumseh and Shawnee Pack is included in the Deluxe and Founders Editions of Civilization VII. It is not included in the Standard Edition of Civilization VII, but is available as a bonus offer for pre-orders of the Standard Edition until February 11, 2025, and will be available for separate purchase thereafter. Internet connection required to redeem bonus content. Terms apply.
Discussion Thread
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