Songhai – Exploration Age Civilization
The Songhai are a Western African empire.
Unique Ability
- Tarki Al-Sudan: +15 Trade route range to cities on navigable rivers and your trade ships cannot be plundered on navigable rivers. +30% production towards constructing the Tomb of Askia
- Economic
- Militaristic
Civic Trees
- Unknown: Unknown
- Unknown: Unknown
Unique Infrastructure
- Caravanserai: +5 Gold. Gold adjacency for navigable rivers and resources. Songhai unique improvement. Ageless. Does not remove warehouse bonuses on a tile. Must be built on desert or plains.
Unique Civilian Unit
- Tajiro: Songhai unique merchant. Civilian who can establish a trade route to import resources from a foreign settlement. When you create a trade route, receive 100 gold if this is a trade route with at least one navigable river.
Unique Military Unit
- Gold Bangles Infantry: Songhai unique infantry unit. +5 combat strength on resource tiles. +100% gold from pillaging trade routes.
Associated Wonder
- Tomb of Askia: Unknown.
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