Support Information

I created this page in the site to hold information about the style outline that was used to prepare the web pages as well as how some of the data was collected and how the images were captured and prepared.

I learned a great deal about the Civ3 game from all the detailed examination of how the game plays and how the program executes various graphics functions. Some of the things that I started to use to support a multimedia learning environment for the Civ3 game turned out to be terrible ideas because of how the game works internally.

I plan to share these details after I get a few more examples in place.

This will be the index page where you can find more info on all the aspects of images capture, resolution, compression, zoom ratios, and other techie details that I found to be of value as I completed this process.

Other related topics:
Cracker's unofficial CIV3 skills toolbox - some favorite tips and tricks
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- hosted by CivFanatics
Support information - copyrights and usage, link to this site, how images were prepared

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This page was last updated on: August 10, 2002