The Rock to make new video game movie – will it be a civ movie?

By | January 26, 2022

Okay, okay, this is obviously silly.
There is no indication right now that it could be a Civ movie, but who knows?
What would that anyways look like? Discuss the possibility of a Civ movie with “The Rock” in our forum here.

Original news:…but-he-wont-say-which-franchise/1100-6499929/

Picture by Matthew Kean, past Civ lead, from here:

Improvised Civ6 soundtrack: The English theme

By | January 25, 2022

The musician Kevin Dixon has improvised the Civ6 theme of the English. If you want to hear the song “Scarborough Fair” for the different Civ6 ages, then hit the play button ;).

Follow Kevin on Twitter:

Discuss this video in our forum:

Civilization and XCOM Devs Form New Studio Bit Reactor

By | January 24, 2022

GameRant has published an article about the art director of Civ and XCOM forming a new gaming studio, Bit Reactor, with other veterans from Firaxis. The focus of the studio will go more in the direction of XCOM than of Civ, meaning more tactical turn-based games.

We are obviously curious about this development and will follow it closely.

Read the article: Civilization and XCOM Devs Form New Studio Bit Reactor

Discuss the article in our forum here:

Thanks to our user SammyKhalifa for this interesting news item.

“Endless” mod for Humankind and official modding guide

By | January 24, 2022

Amplitude Studios have created an official Humankind mod set in the universe of Endless Space. The mod allows you to progress further from the current world setting into the setting of the Endless universe. You can download the mod here and discuss this new mod in our forum here.

In addition, they have also released their offical modding guide for Humankind.

Thanks to our user Eagle Pursuit for notifying us.

Humankind: New patch and DLC “Cultures of Africa” released

By | January 23, 2022

Amplitude Studios has released a new patch for Humankind, as well as the “Cultures of Africa” DLC.

The patch, named “Allen Newell”, includes a lot of balancing changes and AI fixes, in addition to new content like the “Great Zimbabwe” wonder and movies when you discover a new technology! You can read about all the changes here.

The “Cultures of Africa” DLC includes 6 new cultures like the Bantu and the Maasai. All these new cultures have their unique play style, and the DLC includes further also 5 new wonders and new events. You can discuss this DLC in our forum here. A first video showcasing the DLC by WD Gaming has been embedded above.

Old World Patch #82

By | January 23, 2022

Mohawk Games, the creators of Old World, have released a new patch for their game. This patch includes some changes in the tech tree, more events, and balancing changes.

Patch notes:

Discuss this patch in our forum:

Play the “Old World” map in Old World

By | January 19, 2022

Our user OneWorld has created an “Old World” map for Old World. This map includes the whole Old World, Eurasia and Africa, and in addition also Australia. So everything, which doesn’t need advanced sailing technolgy can be reached. If you want to lead Babylon to world domination, now is the time ;).

Have a look at the map here:

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #127

By | January 18, 2022

And this new year starts again with a new challenge with your Civ6 “Game Of The Month”.

This time you play as Hammurabi of Babylon on a standard size “Seven Seas” map on Deity level. The only victory enabled is Science Victory. You have until February 15 to finish this game.

You can find all the details, including the starting savegame, here: