PolyCast Episode 286: “Extra Balanced”

By | July 29, 2017

Attention worthy. The two-hundred-and-eighty-sixth episode of [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url], “[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast/season11.php#episode286]Extra Balanced[/url]”, features regular co-hosts [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/2-DanQ]Daniel “DanQ” Quick[/url], [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/22677-Makahlua]Stephanie “Makahlua”[/url], [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/member.php?u=136315]Philip “TheMeInTeam” Bellew[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/SBFMadDjinn]”MadDjinn”[/url] with first-time guest co-host [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/members/browd.232467]David “Browd” Brown[/url]. It carries a runtime of 59m59s.

The summary of topics is as follows:

– [i]02m24s[/i] | [b]Senate[/b]
Speeding through [i]Civilization[/i] series newcomer [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/a-general-strategy-for-gilgamesh.610833]with[/url] [url=http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Sumerian_(Civ6)]Sumeria[/url] in its sixth iteration, picking fights [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/article-how-well-did-they-create-australia-in-civilization-vi.611151]as[/url] [url=http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Australian_(Civ6)]Australia[/url] (11m52s) and always warring [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/is-perisa-macedon-dlc-worth-10.619802]as[/url] [url=http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Macedonian_(Civ6)]Macedon[/url] (20m18s).
– [i]24m45s[/i] | [b]Miscellaneous[/b]
Reactions to the then-announcement that Australia was to be [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11HVt8f0X-I]the next civilization[/url] added to [i]CivVI[/i]’s line-up, and a first for the series (recorded for [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast/season11.php#episode276]Episode 276[/url]).
– [i]38m19s[/i] | [b]Forum Talk[/b]
If, then when, to [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-eternal-dilemma-when-to-stop-taking-cities.619222]stop taking cities[/url] in [i]Civilization VI[/i] followed by the need, then composition, of [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/occupation.618655]an occupation force[/url] in conquered cities (41m59s; recorded for [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast/season11.php#episode284]Episode 284[/url]), if then when to [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/do-you-settle-large-swaths-of-tundra-if-its-in-the-back-of-your-empire-vacant-or-ignore-it.620138]settle “large swaths”[/url] of tundra terrain (47m47s) and [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/what-do-you-do-with-the-extra-farm.619594]replacing surplus farms[/url] or not (50m20s).

– [i]Intro/Outro[/i] | [b]Miscellaneous[/b]
Predictable [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/dlc-05-anticipation-thread.613088]anticipation[/url], questionable victory pursuit then coffee, cookies and watermelon in context.

[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] is a bi-weekly audio production recording [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast/live]live every other Saturday[/url] throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the [i]Civilization[/i] community an interactive voice; sibling show [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focuses on [i]Civ[/i] modding, [url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast][u]TurnCast[/u][/url] on [i]Civ[/i] multiplay.

Civ IV HOF Update

By | July 26, 2017

The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated – 27 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to [b]Dhoomstriker[/b] for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Tiny, Epic, Monarch, Space Colony game for 656,169 points.

Congratulations also to neilmeister for winning Challenge Series 18 with a score of 80 points, smitsk00 was 2nd with 63 points and Dhoomstriker was 3rd with 47 points.

[b]NobleZarkon[/b] was the most active player during this update, submitting 7 games.

Only 3 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:
    [b]Dhoomstriker[/b] – 1718 AD, Small, Epic, Deity, Diplomatic game for 108,867 points.
    [b]smitsk00[/b] – 1700 AD, Small, Epic, Deity, Diplomatic game for 35,383 points.
    [b]Sun Tzu Wu[/b] – 390 AD, Small, Marathon, Deity, Conquest game for 181,257 points.
    [b]Sun Tzu Wu[/b] – 2800 BC, Duel, Quick, Deity, Conquest game for 48,005 points.

A number of players gained number one positions on harder difficulty levels:
[b]Skallagrim[/b] with a 1100 AD, Large, Quick, Immortal, Diplomatic game for 156,088 points.
[b]Skallagrim[/b] with a 1160 AD, Small, Quick, Immortal, Diplomatic game for 129,867 points.

A number of players gained a composite table High Score [i](i.e. Any Condition)[/i]:
[b]Dhoomstriker[/b] with a 1490 AD, Tiny, Epic, Monarch, game for 656,169 points.

[b]Skallagrim[/b] with a 1100 AD, Large, Quick, Immortal, game for 156,088 points.

>> [url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ4/index.php]Civ IV HOF[/url]
>> [url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ4/stats.php?show=updates]Full Update Details[/url]
>> [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/civ-iv-hof-update-discussion-thread.620359]Discussion Thread[/url]

TurnCast Episode 87: “On That Note”

By | July 22, 2017

Taking stock. Regular players [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/2-DanQ” title=”Click for Profile]Daniel “DanQ” Quick[/url], [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/22677-Makahlua” title=”Click for Profile]”Makahlua”[/url] and [url=http://www.civplayers.com/index.php?section=profile&user=139]Steve “WarningU2” Warner[/url] are joined alongside fellow co-operative [i]Civilization VI[/i] multiplaying gamers in the eighty-seventh episode of [u]TurnCast[/u] ([u]TC[/u]). Entitled “[url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast/season7.php#tcepisode87]On That Note[/url]”, it carries a runtime is 09m59s. Snippets include but are not limited to mistaken identity, troll spells, not excuse, already denounced and just wait.

[u]TurnCast[/u] is the third spin-off of the [i]Civ[/i] strategy-centric [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] on which Quick and Makahlua serve as regular co-hosts; fellow sibling [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focusing on [i]Civ[/i] modding was the first.

PolyCast Episode 286 Topics List

By | July 20, 2017

This Saturday, July 22nd, 2017 is to see the [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast/live]fourteenth recording[/url] of [i]Civilization[/i] strategy podcast [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url]’s eleventh season. Beginning at 12PM ET North America ([url=http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=PolyCast+286+Recording&iso=20170722T12&p1=188&ah=2]timezone converter[/url]), Episode 286’s topics list is set as follows:

– As and Against XVII: [i]Civilization VI[/i] Profile, Sumeria
– As and Against XVIII: [i]CivVI[/i] Profile, Australia
– As and Against XIX: [i]CivVI[/i] Profile, Macedon

[b]Forum Talk[/b]
– When to Stop Taking Cities ([i]CivVI[/i])
– Settle “Large Swaths of Tundra” or Not
– What Do You Do With the Extra Farm
– Fifth [i]CivVI[/i] DLC Anticipation

– Creating “Illusion of a World” in Strategy Games

[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the [i]Civ[/i] community an interactive voice on game strategy; listeners are encouraged to [url=https://twitter.com/thepolycast]follow the show[/url] on Twitter and [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast]subscribe to[/url] its YouTube channel. Episode topics list is subject to change. Sibling show [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focuses on [i]Civ[/i] modding, [url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast][u]TurnCast[/u][/url] on [i]Civ[/i] multiplay.

HOF Civ5 Update

By | July 17, 2017

The Civilization V Hall of Fame has been updated. 19 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to [b]Crafty1[/b] for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Prince, Time, Standard, Tiny, Highlands, America (Washington) game for 11071 points.

[b]Tzar Sasha[/b] was the most active player during this update, submitting 5 games.[b]keg[/b] was the most active player during this update, submitting 5 games.

Only 1 player was brave enough to take on Deity this update
[b]keg[/b] – 2400 BC, Turn 40, 5750 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Duel, Great Plains, Germany (Bismark) [BNW]
[b]keg[/b] – 2920 BC, Turn 72, 9300 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Duel, Great Plains, Germany (Bismark) [BNW]
[b]keg[/b] – 2960 BC, Turn 26, 7540 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Duel, Great Plains, Maya (Pacal) [BNW]

[COLOR=”Blue”][B]Gauntlet Results:[/B][/COLOR]
[b][url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ5/gauntlet.php?show=minor&gauntlet=230]G-Minor CXLVII[/url] – Domination, Warlord, Standard, Small Continents, Standard, Shoshone (Pocatello)[/b]
1st [B]zlither[/B] – 800 AD T-150
2nd [B]wsdude[/B] – 1460 AD T-206
3rd [B]billybgame[/B] – 1913 AD T-333

[SIZE=”3″][B][COLOR=”Blue”]** New Gauntlets Starting **[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][COLOR=”Green”]
[b][url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ5/gauntlet.php?show=minor&gauntlet=231]G-Minor CXLVIII[/url] – Diplomacy, Prince, Standard, Continents, Quick, Rome (Augustus Caesar)[/b]

>> [url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ5/index.php]Civ V HOF[/url]
>> [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/hof-civ5-update-discussion.620045]Discussion Thread[/url]

PolyCast Episode 285: “Work That In”

By | July 15, 2017

Putting in an effort. The two-hundred-and-eighty-fifth episode of [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url], “[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast/season11.php#episode285]Work That In[/url]”, features regular co-hosts [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/2-DanQ]Daniel “DanQ” Quick[/url], [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/22677-Makahlua]Stephanie “Makahlua”[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/SBFMadDjinn]”MadDjinn”[/url] with returning guest co-host [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/member.php?u=263216]”NewEarthRelic”[/url] and first-time guest co-host [url=https://twitter.com/JohnnyChugs]T.J. Denzer[/url]. It carries a runtime of 59m59s.

The summary of topics is as follows:

– [i]01m09s[/i] | [b]Senate[/b]
The strengths [url=http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Roman_(Civ6)]of Rome[/url], the hits and misses [url=http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Russian_(Civ6)]of Russia[/url] (10m18s) and the variability [url=http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Spanish_(Civ6)]of Spain[/url] (18m00s) in [i]Civilization VI[/i] playing as, and against, each.
– [i]24m08s[/i] | [b]Forum Talk[/b]
What to do about [i]CivVI[/i]’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/ai-use-of-air-force.619597]in air combat[/url] and mixing agreement, disagreement and compromise with respect to ten things to [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/10-things-from-previous-games-that-should-come-back.607127]bring back[/url] to the series from its past (29m10s).

– [i]Intro/Outro[/i] | [b]Miscellaneous[/b]
Staying consistent and out, about and boating.

[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] is a bi-weekly audio production recording [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast/live]live every other Saturday[/url] throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the [i]Civilization[/i] community an interactive voice; sibling show [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focuses on [i]Civ[/i] modding, [url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast][u]TurnCast[/u][/url] on [i]Civ[/i] multiplay.

TurnCast Episode 86: “Greed is Good”

By | July 8, 2017

Don’t forget. Regular players [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/2-DanQ” title=”Click for Profile]Daniel “DanQ” Quick[/url], [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/22677-Makahlua” title=”Click for Profile]”Makahlua”[/url] and [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/GrimVek]Matthieu “GrimVek”[/url] are joined alongside fellow co-operative [i]Civilization VI[/i] multiplaying gamers in the eighty-fifth episode of [u]TurnCast[/u] ([u]TC[/u]). Entitled “[url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast/season7.php#tcepisode86]Greed is Good[/url]”, it carries a runtime is 09m59s. Snippets include but are not limited to common sense, by force, setting back, all competing and anything nude.

[u]TurnCast[/u] is the third spin-off of the [i]Civ[/i] strategy-centric [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] on which Quick and Makahlua serve as regular co-hosts; fellow sibling [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focusing on [i]Civ[/i] modding was the first.

PolyCast Episode 285 Topics List

By | July 6, 2017

This Saturday, July 08th, 2017 is to see the [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast/live]thirteenth recording[/url] of [i]Civilization[/i] strategy podcast [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url]’s eleventh season. Beginning at 12PM ET North America ([url=http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=PolyCast+284+Recording&iso=20170708T12&p1=188&ah=2]timezone converter[/url]), Episode 285’s topics list is set as follows:

– As and Against XV: [i]CivVI[/i] Profile, Rome
– As and Against XVI: [i]CivVI[/i] Profile, Russia
– As and Against XVI: [i]CivVI[/i] Profile, Spain
– As and Against XVII: [i]CivVI[/i] Profile, Sumeria

[b]Forum Talk[/b]
– [i]CivVI[/i] Artificial Intelligence Use of Air Force
– 10 Things From Previous [i]Civ[/i]s to Bring Back

– Creating “Illusion of a World” in Strategy Games

[b]Open Mic[/b]
– Episode 284 Feedback

[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the [i]Civ[/i] community an interactive voice on game strategy; listeners are encouraged to [url=https://twitter.com/thepolycast]follow the show[/url] on Twitter and [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast]subscribe to[/url] its YouTube channel. Episode topics list is subject to change. Sibling show [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focuses on [i]Civ[/i] modding, [url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast][u]TurnCast[/u][/url] on [i]Civ[/i] multiplay.