PolyCast Episode 275: “More Perfect”

By | February 25, 2017

Always the optimists. The two-hundred-and-seventy-fifth episode of [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url], “[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast/season11.php#episode275]More Perfect[/url]”, features regular co-hosts [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/2-DanQ]Daniel “DanQ” Quick[/url], [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/22677-Makahlua]Stephanie “Makahlua”[/url], [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/member.php?u=136315]Philip “TheMeInTeam” Bellew[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/SBFMadDjinn]”MadDjinn”[/url] with returning guest co-host [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/member.php?u=145352]Scott “AlphaShard” Dirk[/url]. It carries a runtime of 59m59s.

The summary of topics is as follows:

– [i]01m44s[/i] | [b]Senate[/b]
A complete and detailed account, and consideration, of [i]Civilization VI[/i]’s terrain improvements and resources is followed by an equally comprehensive rundown of its Wonders, World and Natural (23m15s).
– [i]50m10s[/i] | [b]News[/b]
The “Explorer Pack – Signature Edition” for [i]CivVI[/i] [url=https://www.facebook.com/civ/posts/10154876990585359]was released[/url] with limited availability, questionable quality and a peculiar piece of missing content.

– [i]Intro/Outro[/i] | [b]Miscellaneous[/b]
Believing in miracles and trolling backfire.

[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] is a bi-weekly audio production recording [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast/live]live every other Saturday[/url] throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the [i]Civilization[/i] community an interactive voice; sibling show [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focuses on [i]Civ[/i] modding, [url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast][u]TurnCast[/u][/url] on [i]Civ[/i] multiplay.

Civ6 Patch – Australian Summer 2017 Updated Announced

By | February 22, 2017

Firaxis have announced an Australian Summer 2017 update for Civ6 to accompany the release of
the Australian DLC. The updated will be free for all Civ6 players, and will include a number of important and long-awaited features, namely:

  • Steam Workshop;
  • Modding tools;
  • Multiplayer team functionality.

There is no official word yet on the exact release time for the patch or DLC, but with only a week left in the Australian summer, it unlikely to be a long wait.

Read more here

Discuss in the Civ6 forum

New DLC for Civ6: Australia

By | February 21, 2017

Firaxis have announced more DLC for Sid Meier’s Civilization 6, in the form of an Australian civ led by war-time leader John Curtin. This DLC will mark the first time in the civ series that the Australian continent has been populated by a fully-fledged civilization.

Discuss the DLC here – https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/new-civ-australia.610763/

Read the Firaxis blog post here – https://civilization.com/news/entries/#civilization-vi-john-curtin-leads-australia

TurnCast Episode 80: “Still in Progress”

By | February 18, 2017

Ongoing. Regular players [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/2-DanQ” title=”Click for Profile]Daniel “DanQ” Quick[/url], [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/22677-Makahlua” title=”Click for Profile]”Makahlua”[/url], [url=http://www.civplayers.com/index.php?section=profile&user=139]Steve “WarningU2” Warner[/url] and [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/GrimVek]Matthieu “GrimVek”[/url] are joined alongside fellow co-operative [i]Civilization VI[/i] multiplaying gamers in the eightieth episode of [u]TurnCast[/u] ([u]TC[/u]). Entitled “[url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast/season7.php#tcepisode80]Still in Progress[/url]”, the series’ seventh season opener carries a runtime is 09m59s. Snippets include but are not limited to last piece, in abdomen, some degree, how long and what learned.

[u]TurnCast[/u] is the third spin-off of the [i]Civ[/i] strategy-centric [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] on which Quick and Makahlua serve as regular co-hosts; fellow sibling [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focusing on [i]Civ[/i] modding was the first.

HOF Civ5 Update

By | February 17, 2017

The Civilization V Hall of Fame has been updated. 28 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to [b]zenmaster[/b] for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Prince, Diplomacy, Marathon, Tiny, Great Plains, Spain (Isabella) [BNW] game for 7575 points.

[b]zenmaster[/b] was the most active player during this update, submitting 6 games.

Only 3 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update
[b]blatc[/b] – 1350 AD, Turn 195, 4430 points, Deity, Science, Standard, Standard, Great Plains, Poland (Casimir III) [BNW]
[b]blatc[/b] – 1340 AD, Turn 194, 4489 points, Deity, Science, Standard, Standard, Great Plains, Poland (Casimir III) [BNW]
[b]Dines[/b] – 950 BC, Turn 255, 2123 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Huge, Pangaea, Huns (Attila) [BNW]
[b]Dines[/b] – 740 BC, Turn 276, 3050 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Huge, Pangaea, Huns (Attila) [BNW]
[b]Dines[/b] – 80 BC, Turn 342, 5531 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Standard, Pangaea, Greece (Alexander) [BNW]
[b]zenmaster[/b] – 1761 AD, Turn 780, 1663 points, Deity, Science, Marathon, Huge, Large Islands, Korea (Sejong) [BNW]

[COLOR=”Blue”][B]Gauntlet Results:[/B][/COLOR]
[b][url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ5/gauntlet.php?show=major&gauntlet=215]G-Major LXXX[/url] – Domination, Emperor, Standard, Shuffle, Epic, Poland (Casimir III)[/b]
1st [B]zenmaster[/B] – 140 BC  T-164
2nd [B]R.G.A.M.[/B] – 1750 AD T-385
3rd [B]walkyc[/B]  – Jan 1942 AD T-535

[b][url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ5/gauntlet.php?show=minor&gauntlet=217]G-Minor CXXXVIII[/url] – Culture, King, Standard, Fractal, Standard, Mongolia (Genghis Khan)[/b]
1st [B]zenmaster[/B] – 600 AD T-140
2nd [B]walkyc[/B] – 1840 AD T-290
3rd [B]Mighty Dwaarf[/B]  – 1884 AD T-312

[SIZE=”3″][B][COLOR=”Blue”]** New Gauntlets Starting **[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][COLOR=”Green”]
[b][url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ5/gauntlet.php?show=major&gauntlet=218]G-Major LXXXI[/url] – Science, Deity, Standard, Terra, Epic, Denmark (Harald)[/b]
[b][url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ5/gauntlet.php?show=minor&gauntlet=219]G-Minor CXXXIX[/url] – Domination, King, Standard, Small Continents, Standard, Greece (Alexander)[/b][/COLOR]

>> [url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ5/index.php]Civ V HOF[/url]
>> [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/hof-civ5-update-discussion.610545]Discussion Thread[/url]

PolyCast Episode 275 Topics List

By | February 16, 2017

This Saturday, February 18th, 2017 is to see the [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast/live]fourth recording[/url] of [i]Civilization[/i] strategy podcast [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url]’s eleventh season. Beginning at 12PM ET North America ([url=http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=PolyCast+275+Recording&iso=20170218T12&p1=188&ah=2]timezone converter[/url]), Episode 275’s topics list is set as follows:

– Placing, At Times Choosing, [i]Civilization VI[/i] Improvements
– [i]CivVI[/i] Wonders: Choosing World, Using Natural
– Using [i]CivVI[/i] Promotions

[b]Open Mic[/b]
– Email From “slo” (Re: Challenging [i]Civ[/i] in Response to [i]VI[/i])

[i]Civilization VI[/i] “Explorer Pack – Signature Edition” Released
– [i]CivVI[/i] Video “Scout’s Honor

[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the [i]Civ[/i] community an interactive voice on game strategy; listeners are encouraged to [url=https://twitter.com/thepolycast]follow the show[/url] on Twitter and [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast]subscribe to[/url] its YouTube channel. Episode topics list is subject to change. Sibling show [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focuses on [i]Civ[/i] modding, [url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast][u]TurnCast[/u][/url] on [i]Civ[/i] multiplay.

PolyCast Episode 274: “It’s All About the Technique”

By | February 11, 2017

Firm. The two-hundred-and-seventy-fourth episode of [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url], “[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast/season11.php#episode274]It’s All About the Technique[/url]”, features regular co-hosts [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/2-DanQ]Daniel “DanQ” Quick[/url], [url=http://apolyton.net/member.php/22677-Makahlua]Stephanie “Makahlua”[/url], [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/member.php?u=136315]Philip “TheMeInTeam” Bellew[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/SBFMadDjinn]”MadDjinn”[/url] with returning guest co-host [url=http://www.ustream.tv/user/CanusAlbinus]”CanusAlbinus”[/url]. It carries a runtime of 59m59s.

The summary of topics is as follows:

– [i]01m13s[/i] | [b]Open Mic[/b]
Given the present state of [i]Civilization VI[/i]’s Artificial Intelligence (AI), how can one enjoy its single player experience? Longtime show listener “slo” puts this to the panel in an email.
– [i]08m36s[/i] | [b]Senate[/b]
In the strategy layer for [i]CivVI[/i] tackling barbarians approaches, [url=http://well-of-souls.com/civ/civ6_units.html#great_people]Great People[/url] management (19m25s), [url=http://well-of-souls.com/civ/civ6_overview.html#city-states]City States[/url] treatment (27m50s), consolidating and connecting the three (41m16s) and if, and when, to promote game units (47m57s; recorded for [url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast/season11.php#episode272]Episode 272[/url]).
– [i]50m11s[/i] | [b]News[/b]
Team multiplayer amongst the features being “worked on” for [i]Civilization VI[/i], [url=https://reddit.com/user/ConsiderableNames?utm_content=user&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_name=b77e18ad403b4f2ba13d733c5dfef729&utm_source=embedly&utm_term=5qc7fd]according to[/url] developer [b]Firaxis Games[/b].

– [i]Intro/Outro[/i] | [b]Miscellaneous[/b]
Gripping and bad placement.

[url=http://thepolycast.net/polycast]PolyCast[/url] is a bi-weekly audio production recording [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/thepolycast/live]live every other Saturday[/url] throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the [i]Civilization[/i] community an interactive voice; sibling show [url=http://thepolycast.net/modcast][u]ModCast[/u][/url] focuses on [i]Civ[/i] modding, [url=http://thepolycast.net/turncast][u]TurnCast[/u][/url] on [i]Civ[/i] multiplay.

Civilization IV Update

By | February 11, 2017

The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated. 13 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to [b]Todelotti[/b] for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Standard, Normal, Immortal, Domination game for 295566 points.

[b]Tonny[/b] was the most active player during this update, submitting 4 games.

Only one player was brave enough to take on Deity this update:
    [b]smitsk00[/b] – 1610 AD, Tiny, Normal, Deity, Diplomatic game for 65628 points.

[SIZE=”3″][B][COLOR=”Blue”]** New Gauntlet Starting **[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[b][url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ4/gauntlet.php?show=minor&gauntlet=610]G-Minor 219[/url] – Cultural, Prince, Ancient, Standard, Normal, Hemispheres, (check options)[/b]

>> [url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ4/index.php]Civ IV HOF[/url]
>> [url=http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ4/stats.php?show=updates]Full Update Details[/url]
>> [url=https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/civ-4-hof-update-discussion-thread.610258]Discussion Thread[/url]