Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #182

By | June 1, 2024

The first summer GOTM brings you a special kind of scorching heat: You play as Hammurabi of Babylon on a standard size Archipelago map with high sea levels on Prince difficulty. You also get a disaster intensity of 2 and Zombie mode, and you cannot win via military, but only via culture or diplomacy. You have one month until July 1 to survive the zombie madness. For more information please check this thread.

Civ IV HOF Update

By | May 31, 2024

The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated – 17 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to nocho for the highest score of the update with a Duel, Marathon, Warlord, Space Colony game for 292,373 points.

Lcpl Jack Jones was the most active player during this update, submitting 11 games.

No player was brave enough to take on Deity this update.

New Number One Entries:

A number of players gained number one positions:
Lcpl Jack Jones with a 2050 AD, Huge, Epic, Immortal, Time game for 15,927 points.
Lcpl Jack Jones with a 2050 AD, Large, Normal, Monarch, Time game for 10,514 points.
Lcpl Jack Jones with a 445 AD, Huge, Epic, Warlord, Religious game for 27,446 points.
Lcpl Jack Jones with a 2050 AD, Huge, Quick, Warlord, Time game for 10,100 points.
nocho with a 1020 AD, Duel, Marathon, Warlord, Space Colony game for 292,373 points.
Lcpl Jack Jones with a 1600 BC, Huge, Epic, Chieftain, Conquest game for 8,090 points.

Discuss this update with us here.

Millennia – Update 3

By | May 29, 2024

The third update for Millennia has been released. This update brings some convenient changes, like having a restart option in the game, custom game settings, including the strength of barbarians, a new map type, one new nation, and a raft of other things. For all the changes please check our thread here.

Old World – Behind The Throne DLC released

By | May 28, 2024

Today, Mohawk Games has released the latest DLC for Old World, “Behind The Throne”.
This DLC brings new characters, 350 new events, new projects, and most interestlingly new gameplay mechanics. This includes characters who might be competing with you as a leader, a grand vizier who manages your cities better (or doesn’t he?), new political eras, civil wars, and much more.
For the release, the DLC has been discounted by 10%, from 9.99 to 8.99.
The base game, as well as the bundle with all DLCs, is also on sale, for 27.99 instead of 39.99, and 57.14 instead of 94.94.
Get the base game at Steam, Epic or GOG, and the new DLC here at Steam, Epic or GOG.

Discuss the new DLC with us here.

Also curious to know more about the background of the DLC? The latest edition of the Mohawk podcast features developers Jeri and Dale along with superfan Emergent discussing the new Old World DLC Behind the Throne.
Give it a listen at Spotify, and discuss this podcast episode with us here.

Sullla’s AI Survivor Season Eight – Game 1

By | May 26, 2024

AI Survivor is an annual competition of all Civilization IV AI Leaders by long-time Civilization enthusiast and streamer Sullla. Each AI leader is seeded based on past performances. The competition occurs over several weeks. Each AI competes in the early round phase with the top two finishers of each game (usually 6 leaders) advancing to the playoff round. Additionally, surviving leaders enter a wildcard competition to fight for remaining playoff spots, a particularly interesting game with raging barbarians. The playoff rounds proceed until the championship finale where this season’s top leader is crowned.

Sullla’s AI Survivor Season 8 begins Friday, May 31st on Sullla’s Twitch Channel at noon EST.

We welcome you to join the fun by discussing here

Sid Meier’s Colonization 30th Anniversary Celebration – Communities, Fan Mods & Remakes, Similar Games & More!

By | May 26, 2024

It’s Sid Meier’s Colonization’s 30th anniversary and CivFanatics have put together a big tribute covering some of the best fan projects going on at the moment including Col fan mods & remakes, Col fan communities, Col scenarios for Civ, similar games to Col, and lots of other Col related stuff. Be warned it’s a big read, but a good one for Col & Civ fans. Check it out here.

IGN: Gamers Are Becoming Less Interested in Games With Deep Strategy, Study Finds

By | May 22, 2024

IGN has today published an article about a recent study, called “Gamers Are Becoming Less Interested in Games With Deep Strategy, Study Finds”.
This study, which was performed by a market research institute, was focused on the motivation of gamers, and has recorded data over the last 9 years. This data is based on a 5 minute survey, which more than 1.5 million gamers have filled in. It contains 12 “motivations”, such as following the story or the joy of destruction. Most of them have stayed stable over the last 9 years, but the strategy part took a big dip. This means that compared to 9 years ago, the average gamer takes now less interest in components of games which require you to think ahead or to tackle difficult challenges. This trend seems to apply to men and women, and is visibile world wide (besides China, which was excluded during the analysis).
The study points out that it’s not possible to determine the cause of this, but that in the meantime the average attention span of people have decreased. They also mention as alternative explanation that the state of the world got worse, and that people rather prefer to relax than to be challenged.

They also ask the audience at the end a few questions, namely:

What Do You Think?​

  • Why do you think gamers have become less interested in strategic thinking and planning? Are there other potential causes that come to mind?
  • Do you feel your attention span and ability to think deeply has changed since the emergence of social media and/or smartphones?
  • Are there other documented changes in our media-consumption habits or cognitive metrics that you think might be related to this?
  • Have you seen similar or related findings specific to gamers and games research?

You can read the article by IGN here, the original study here, and obviously we want to know what you think here.

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #273

By | May 20, 2024

The mid-month Civ4 GOTM brings you messages from the far east: You play as Qin Shi Huang of China on a standard size Earth2 map with tropical climate and high sea level on Prince difficulty. The sea levels are rising on this planet, and you have until June 30 to escape it. For more information please check this thread.