Spillhistorie.no: Q&A with: Michael Haire, former artistic director at MicroProse

By | January 18, 2025

The Norwegian website Spillhistorie.no, a retrogaming website, has interviewed Michael Haire, the former artistic director of Microprose, who worked on Civ1+2 and Alpha Centauri, among other titles. In this interview he describes how Microprose started up, that an art department for Civ1 was a big leap in these old computer game days, and that MicroProse being bought by a competitor lead to the formation of Firaxis. You can read the interview here, and discuss it with us here.

Civ7 news of the day: Great People, and Prussia confirmed (?)

By | January 17, 2025

With the latest video Firaxis has added some explanation how great people work. They are unique to your civ, and must be unlocked by buildings. They also must be built, but will at the end give some pretty significant boni. Join us for the discussion about the video here.

Our forum denizens have also noted that Prussia seems to be in the game, based on this video, but also due to one of the recent new videos by the streamers. This is discussed here.

Civ VI Monthly Challenge: One More Turn

By | January 17, 2025

Firaxis has released another Challenge Of The Month for Civ6: One More Turn! To be honest, that is each day a challenge for us, but we forgive them this ;).

In this challenge Age-of-Steam Victoria on a small continents map on quick speed on either Prince or Emperor difficulty. Your main challenge though is to achive Diplomacy, Culture, Science, and Domination victories in a single game, not limited by any turn limit. Interested? Check out the thread here and come discuss with us.

Civ7: New batch of videos with lots of information

By | January 16, 2025

It seems the press-embargo for the streamers was lifted today, therefore we got lots of new info! If you want to check out the new videos, then please see the links for all of them here, and there is a longer discussion going on here.

Among the new information is that you apparently cannot rename cities, that there are 2 Himikos and 2 Prussian Friedrichs and that many civs can be unlocked via ingame decisions. For all other discussion, please check the forum ;).

New civ guide: Siam

By | January 15, 2025

Firaxis has today given us one of the last civ guides for the base game, and we got a surprise reveal, which nobody had on their radar: Siam. This surprise also ensures that we cannot have both Britain and Germany in the base game, which will certainly spark interesting discussions. For an overview over all civs please see this thread.

Siam is a cultural and diplomatic civ with a starting bias for ivory. Siam gets a lot of boni related to city states and friendly relationships with them, including from their associated wonder, the Doi Suthep. For more info about Siam please check this thread.

Civilization VII Dev Diary #7: Legends & Mementos

By | January 14, 2025

Firaxis has released another dev diary today, and they are talking about “legends & mementos”. Firaxis wants to make it more fun to play through any game of civ. In Civ5 and Civ6 this was helped by achievements. But for Civ7, the devs thought of more. You will be able to keep track of your whole progress over games, what things you have achieved, what things you have failed, what leaders you have played, and more. You can see if you’re a master at playing one civ, but rather not-so-good at another. You want to know more about this new system? Then visit our thread here.

Civ7: Russia as a civ and Catherine the Great

By | January 13, 2025

Today Firaxis revealed the second last civilization and an associated leader: We are getting Russia and Catherine the Great.

Russia is a cultural and scientific civ with a starting bias for tundra and furs. Russia has as UUs Cossacks and the Katyusha, and gets as their associated wonder the Hermitage. For more information have a look at the thread here.

Catherine the Great is also cultural and scientific, with also a starting bias for tundra. She gets more culture from displayed great works, and she dislikes players who compete with her for great works. For more info check the Catherine thread here.

Play the new Civ3 “Game Of The Month”

By | January 11, 2025

If you’re looking for a challenge for Civ3, then don’t go further, and look here! The new “Game Of The Month” is available, you can try to tackle the following to savegames:

In the GOTM #197 for the addon “Play The World” you will play as Carthage on a normal sized wet and warm pangaea map on regent difficulty with restless barbarians. You have until March 31st to tackle this challenge. For more info please check here.

In the GOTM #170 for the addon “Conquests” you play as Germany on a normal size continents map with sedentary barbarians on Deity level. Also here the deadline is March 31st, and you can find the savegame and further info in this thread.