Polygon: Master of Orion tabletop game to launch crowdfunding campaign next week

By | January 10, 2025

For us old-timers among the CivFanatics: A MoO tabletop game is in the making!
Polygon has today posted an article called “Master of Orion tabletop game to launch crowdfunding campaign next week“, talking about that a launch of a crowd-funding campaign is imminent!
Classic civs like Psilons, Klackons, Darloks and Silicoids will be on-board, as well as e.g. Deathstar ships.
The trailer looks interesting, and a whole 3h gameplay video is also available at the crowdfunding website here. If you want to discuss the boargame with us, then join us here.

Civ7 update: France, Lafayette as a leader, and Steamdeck certified!

By | January 9, 2025

Firaxis has again shared some new and exciting news with us.

We were well aware that France would be part of Civ7, and now we got all the details. The French Empire is a militaristic and diplomatic civ with a starting bias for wine (no joke). Their associated wonder is the Eiffel Tower, and one of their unique units, the Jacobins, will grant you a wide range of effects. For all the details please check here.

Besides Napoleon there will be another French leader in the game, the Marquis Lafayette, who served as a military commander on the site of George Washington. He is cultural and diplomatic, can gain more social policy slots while doing diplomacy, and he likes the player with the most urban districs. For more info please check here.

And as last important news, Civ7 is officially Steamdeck verified, and will therefore run on Valve’s handheld without issues. For more info please check here.

Play the new Civ5 “Game Of The Month” #260

By | January 9, 2025

And in the new year we also continue to task you with a new Civ5 challenge each month!

This time the team has prepared the following: We want you to play as Washington on a standard size Fractal map on Deity difficulty. You must win this game with a culture victory, and you got as usual one month time until January 31. For more info and the savegame please check this thread.

New civ7 civ guide, Qing, and dev diary #6 about diplomacy

By | January 8, 2025

Firaxis has started the new year with two new pieces of Civ7 info!

As first, they have revealed the Civ guide for the Qing. Qing China is an economic and expansionist civ with a starting bias for Tundra. The Qing especially profit from imported goods, and having buildings and units stacked closely to each other will also give different benefits. For the details please check this thread.

The second piece of information is the 6th dev diary, this time about diplomacy and everything related. This diary reveals more about sanctions and treaties, how you can influence other leaders, and how their agendas play into it. For more info please check this thread.

Polygon: Civilization 7’s creative director on the new Ages, leaders, and cultures ‘without any written records’

By | January 7, 2025

Polygon has released a new article today, in which they interview Ed Beach about some of the design choices in Civ7. He talks about the decision to split leaders and civs to allow more diverse/interesting choices, that they had 2 historians on the team and consulted with the Shawnee, that they considered the opposite with civs and leaders (1 civ with leader switching), but decided against it, and a couple of more details. You can read the article here, and discuss it with us in this thread.

New Civ5 gauntlets!

By | January 6, 2025

If you want to claim your place in the eternal Civ5 “Hall Of Fame” at CivFanatics, then now you got another chance! While we always accept your best-scoring game to be listed, we also like to give you specific challenges to tackle. This time we have these 2 for you:

In the G-Major CLI we want you to play a One-City-Challange as Darius I of Persia on a duel sized map against Babylon. It must be an ice-age map on Marathon speed on Immortal level, and you must win via diplomacy. For more info, please check this thread.

For the G-Minor CCXXIV we want you to play as Harald of Denmark on a tiny fractal map. The difficulty level is Chieftain, and you must win via a culture victory. For more info please check this thread.

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #284

By | January 6, 2025

Even in 2025 we continue to provide you a new Civ4 challenge each month!

If you want to compete this month for the crown of best Civ4 player, then we want you to play the following game: You play as Bisma…. Weihnachtsman from the magical kingdom on a cold standard size Earth2 map on Monarch difficulty. The deadline for this game is February 3. For more details please check this thread.

PCGamer: “Civilization 7 senior historian prays it’ll be a ‘gateway drug’ into textbooks”, and physical PCGamer article

By | January 5, 2025

The whole title doesn’t fit into the name of the thread, but it’s “Civilization 7 senior historian prays it’ll be a ‘gateway drug’ into textbooks: ‘I teach undergraduates in my other life, and my God, man, they don’t read'”.
Our Firaxis forum resident @Andrew Johnson [FXS] told us about it, and he’s also the name-giving historian.
For most of our other forum residents it’s at least a well-known idea that Civ games can spark someone’s interest in history. It seems that actual historians (even if employed by Firaxis) hope for the same, as apparently there is currently a trend to read less books which results in less knowledge, and maybe Civ7 can be again another trigger to be more interested in history.
Andrew also talks about how the game could lock you into a specific perspective, which Civ7 tries to avoid better, although he dislikes one of the very concepts necessary for games, the “winning” part, which doesn’t exactly go well with history.
For more insights, please read the article here.

Our member @Isengardtom also pointed out that this month’s PCGamer (the physical edition) has an article about Civ7 which is not yet online, but seems to be pretty positive. We’re afraid that for now, to get all this spicy info, you’d have to buy the magazine, as only some sparse details are online.

Join us here to discuss the latest info from PCGamer.