PolyCast 406: It’s A Lot Better Than Watergate

By | September 5, 2022
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The four-hundred-and-sixth episode of PolyCast, “It’s A Lot Better Than Watergate“ is now available for streaming on ThePolyCast.net. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Phil “TheMeInTeam”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan”. Topics for this episode include:

00h02m25s | Twitter Post Sparks Beyond Earth 2 Rumors
00h12m39s | xBox Patch for Civilization VI Released
00h16m04s | Vote for Civilization 1 and 2 for Good Old Games
00h18m22s | PolyCast Season 1 Uploaded to the YouTube Channel

Forum Talk
00h19m23s | Coastal Flooding and Flood Barriers
00h36m49s | Basil II Has Become Unpopular

00h47m31s | Door Monster Worker Video

NOTE: This Episode was recorded on August 13, 2022.

Discuss: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/polycast-406-its-a-lot-better-than-watergate.678798/
PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice

Play the very first Old World “Game Of The Month”

By | September 4, 2022

CivFanatics has a long standing tradition of the “Game Of The Month” (short: “GOTM”), where a team of fellow Civ-fanatics organizes new, challenging savegames for the community, to compete against each other. The goal here is not only to beat the game, but then to afterwards compare your approach to the approach of other players, and see who scored best. We have done this so far for Civ3 to Civ6, and these “Game Of The Months” are still running.

Old World is a very civ-inspired game with some following among the civ-community. Our member Ozbenno therefore decided that we should try here a “Game Of The Month”, and after some organization with Mohawk Games we are finally there:

The first “Game Of The Month” for Old World!

In this game you play as Egypt on medium size continents map with four opponents on the difficulty level “The Strong”. You can get the download here, and you have 1 month time (until October 3) to finish this game and post your savegame in the dedicated thread.

Good luck to everyone :).

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #142

By | September 2, 2022

And we continue with the heat-wave theme for the Game Of The Month! In this GOTM you play as John Curtin of Australia on a standard size hot and wet Island Plates map. You need to go for the Science Victory to prevent global warming, but corporations are enabled, up to your government if this will be a hindrance or not!

You have until October 1 to prevent the ultimate meltdown!

For all details, please check this thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/6otm142-annoucement.678748/

PolyCast 405: Unless You Count the Launcher

By | September 2, 2022
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The four-hundred-and-fifth episode of PolyCast, “Unless You Count the Launcher“ is now available for streaming on ThePolyCast.net. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil “TheMeInTeam”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan”. Topics for this episode include:

00h01m00s | Time Zones in the US

00h06m39s | The Lost Birds by Christopher Tin Announced

Forum Talk
00h13m04s | The Core of the 4X “Boring Endgame” Problem
00h38m48s | Spiffing Brit Breaks the Game, Chinese Wonders Edition

NOTE: This Episode was recorded on July 30, 2022.

Also, I have used a different editing process for this episode. Please report any issues with the audio quality, if you have any.

Thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/polycast-405-unless-you-count-the-launcher.678757/

PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice.

History Respawned podcast: History Games at Gamescom and Civs 101: The Inca

By | September 1, 2022

Robert Whitaker has released another episode of his History Respawned podcast. He is discussing with his co-host John Harney about the most interesting games at the Gamescom, e.g. Victory 3 or Age of Empires IV. This release of the podcast is combined with an earlier episode of the Civs 101 series about the Inca from July last year.

You can find this combined episode here, or only the Inca episode here.

Discuss with us: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/history-respawned-podcast-history-games-at-gamescom-and-civs-101-the-inca.678747/

ABCClassic: The sound of strategy, volume 2: sci-fi and fantasy

By | August 31, 2022

ABCClassic, normally a broadcaster for classical music, has published their second episode about computer game soundtracks. This episode is about sci-fi and fantasy soundtracks, and might interest some people here, because it contains 2 songs composed by Christopher Tin (who won the Grammy for the Civ4 main theme) for OffWorld Trading Company (a game by the Civ3 lead Soren Johnson). It also features 2 songs for the game Endless Legend, composed by Arnaud Roy, who did the music for Humankind. The songs are introduced by Meena Shamaly, who sang song’s for Old World.

To listen to this episode please click here, and to discuss with us please visit this thread.

Thanks to Meena Shamaly for pointing this out on Twitter.

ZOR: Pilgrimage of the Slorfs – The winners of the competition

By | August 29, 2022

10 days ago we started a little competition to give away three keys for ZOR: Pilgrimage of the Slorfs. This game is a turn-based monster manager, where you up try to bring your two Slorfs through a crazy world while building up your deck and managing your base. The creator turned out to be a lurker here at CivFanatics, and wanted to see if our community is excited about the game. Therefore he gifted us keys to share them with you, so we had this little competition:

We asked what would be the best monster or Slorf to include in Civ, instead of having the GDR. We got a few very creative entries, and decided to award three keys to our members armcie, Buktu and Gori The Grey, for their great combination of Slorfs with Civ. For his long and well crafted entry we also awarded an additional key to Aiken_Drumn.

The best entry was provided by Gori The Grey, and reads the following:

So Grimp Monstrosity. You get my reasoning in a limerick:

Though it draws in the apex of techs,
Take a sec to examine its specs.
You’ll find (if compliant)
That self-proclaimed “Giant”
Confined to but one single hex.

For any discussions about the game, or for the winning entries, please check the related thread.

PolyCast 404: Podcast Not Found

By | August 29, 2022
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The four-hundred-and-fourth episode of PolyCast, “Podcast Not Found“ is now available for streaming on ThePolyCast.net. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, and Phil “TheMeInTeam”. Topics for this episode include:

00h02m00s | DanQ is Now a Father

00h05m17s | FreeCiv Reaches Version 3.0
00h08m09s | Sid Meier Warns About Monetization In Gaming

Forum Talk
00h24m38s | Five Second Turn Timer Marathon Civilization Multiplayer
00h49m35s | Filthy Robot Interviews Soren Johnson about Old World

NOTE: This Episode was recorded on July 16, 2022.

PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice.

Thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/polycast-404-podcast-not-found.678704/