GOTM9 Index

The Japan Campaign
- Introduction
- Planning
- Military orders
- Initial engagements
- Consolidate the opening
- Battle before Edo
- Kyoto’s fate
- Mopping up
List of updates to this article

Items below this point
are maintained seperately
from the Japan Campaign files
and may not always available.
Known Bugs and Glitches

- The Corona Bug
- The Scared2Death Bug

this page will not see very much use, but I built it into the site design
anyway. Any revisions or changes to the GOTM9 strategy example pages will be
posted in here in reverse chronological order with the newest changes shown
at the top.
August 10, 2002
Fixed link reference to index on all pages
Fixed link references to toolbox index
Fixed links to general known bug pages
August 9, 2002
Original release
date for all graphics and html pages for the Japan Campaign section
Other related topics:
hosted by CivFanatics
copyrights and usage,
link to this site,
how images were prepared