Humankind: Cultures of Latin America DLC, console release, Bolivar update

By | June 9, 2022

Multiple big Humankind news were released by Amplitude today.

  1. The Cultures of Latin America DLC has been released (not announced, but released). It comes with 6 new cultures, the Caralans, the Nazca, the Taino, the Inca, the Argentinians and Cubans. Discuss the new DLC here. Amplitude is also giving away 1000 keys for free, check it out on their homepage.
  2. The Bolivar update has been released. The above DLC is part of the Bolivar update, among also more events, new wonders, and many, many fixes. Discuss the Bolivar update here.
  3. Humankind will come to consoles. On November 4 Humankind will be released on the Playstation, Xbox, and will be included in the Xbox Game pass. Discuss the console release here.

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #236

By | June 9, 2022

Also this month you get again the chance to show that you’re the best of the best in Civ4!

In this “Game Of The Month” you play as Mao of China on a tropical Pangaea map on Prince level. You have until July 4 to finish the revolution.

For all the details, please visit the thread here.

Civ 4 Hall Of Fame: Welcome to the Indian Summer – Challenge 23

By | June 8, 2022

Compete with other civ-fanatics in our Civ4 “Hall Of Fame”! The HoF is a competition, where you send in your own games (specific rules apply), to see who ranks best for this setting! For the Indian Summer challenge, we want 10 games as India from you!

You need to install the HoF mod, and read the rules before

As shown in the challenge thread here, one challenge must be a cultural win with India on a normal size Oasis map on Warlord level. Another savegame we want from you is a game with India on a huge Pangaea map on epic speed with a conquest victory on Emperor level.

Check out the overview, and see for how many of the games you want to compete. Are you ready to ascent to the everlasting hall of magnificent Civ4 players! Then join this challenge!

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #136

By | June 7, 2022

It’s getting warmer, the summer is coming… definitely the time for another round of Civ6! In this month’s game you play as Tamar of Georgia on a standard size Highlands map on King level. You get a legendary start, but a disaster intensity of 2. You also need to go for the Science Victory, and prevent all other civs from reaching any of the other victory conditions. You have until July 1 to get all the Nobels!

For all the details, please check the thread here:

PotatoMcWhiskey: Starting your Empire – Old World for beginners – Hittites

By | June 5, 2022

Our highly acclaimed Civ6 youtube PotatoMcWhiskey has taken a look at Old World, and decided to make a video about the start with the Hittites. He’s a Civ6 master mind, so it should be interesting to see what he has to say about Old World. If you want to discuss the Hittites or this video, please had over to this thread.

Anton Strenger at GDC: Ahistorical Accuracy: Bringing New Myths and Representation to ‘Civilization’

By | June 1, 2022

We talked about it already here, at the end of March Anton Strenger, lead designer of the “New Frontier Pass” has given a talk at the GDC, named “Ahistorical Accuracy: Bringing New Myths and Representation to ‘Civilization'”. At the time back, the talk itself was not yet available, but Anton told us via Twitter that it is now possible to watch it online. You can find it here, it’s 1h about Civ, and we hope everyone can enjoy it. Please comment about this talk in our forum here.

We now have ALL the Civ2 MGE scenarios!

By | May 28, 2022

Our user blake00 has finished his heroic effort to collect all the Civ2 MGE scenarios. As you can imagine, this was no easy task. He searched the internet for endless hours, to provide the civfanatics with all the playing material out there. But now he has finished it! He has uploaded the grand amount of 378 scenarios plus another 7 bigger collections to our database. There now seem to be only 7 scenarios missing, which might be forever lost.

If you want to delve into this treasure of Civ2 material, then check out his thread here:

The picture here displays 4 of the last scenarios to be uploaded:

The example here is random, and obviously non-exhaustive, given that we have 378 scenarios and cannot cover all. But if you have the time, you should check out the link above and see if there is something which is to your taste :).

And at last: Thanks blake00 for your work, this is great to have all these gems here.

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #235

By | May 27, 2022

And it’s another month, which is awaiting world domination!

In the current Civ4 “Game Of The Month” you play as Suryavarman II of the Khmer on a Great Plains map on an Archipelago world on Deity. You may opt for the adventurer bonus and get the same starting bonuses as the Deity AI (2 settlers, 3 archers, 1 worker), plus a great spy.

You have until June 15 to finish this game. For all details, please check the related thread.