Total War: MEDIEVAL II – Coming to iOS & Android April 7th!

By | March 16, 2022

SEGA has just announced the date, when one of their classic X4 games, Total War: Medieval II, will be available for mobile devices. The release date for iOS and Android will be on April 7, and the game will be ported by Feral Games, a specialist in ports to various operating systems.

Discuss this announcement in our forum here:

Humankind: Sneak-Peek at the Vitruvian Update

By | March 15, 2022

An update has been posted about details regarding the coming patch over at the Games2gether forum.
It seems the next update will include balancing, more options for tuning notifications, AI improvements for siges, and more.

You can read all the details here:…/blogs/804-sneak-peek-at-the-vitruvian-update

And you can discuss them in our forum here:

Indie game “Great Houses Of Calderia” looking for playtesters

By | March 13, 2022

The indie game “Great Houses Of Calderia” is currently looking for playtesters.

The game itself is a 4X game, set in a fantasy world with a renaissance theme. It trailer and pictures give a similar feeling to various Paradox games.

If you want to have an early look, you can sign up for the playtest here for another week. Please check before the Steam page for the system requirements.

Discuss this game in our forum here.

Gatecrashers: Civilization IV: The Games That Made Us

By | March 11, 2022

Patrick Dickerson of GateCrashers has writtena blog post about his experience with Civ4. I don’t think he writes anything which anyone here has never experienced, but it is a very good summary how everyone probably feels about this game.

An excerpt:

Civilization IV was an important game for me because it helped make me who I am. It showed me that there were others out there like me who was fascinated by the history of our world and wanted to spend time deep-diving into it. It made me feel like I had a place in the gaming community. I have since branched out into other genres of games since discovering Civilization IV, but I know I never would have found my other favorite games like Mass Effect if it wasn’t for the countless hours spent playing Sid Meier’s Civilization IV. Here’s to always taking “One More Turn”!”

Read the full blog post here, and discuss it in our forum here.

Robert Houghton: ‘Sid Meier’s Civilization’: Breaking Genres for Better Histories

By | March 8, 2022

Robert Houghton from Winchester University has given an online presentation about Civ, and talks about many things, including how to improve the game with mechanics from other games. It’s long, but have a watch!

Discuss this video in our forum here:

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #232

By | March 7, 2022

And the challenge continues also for Civ4! In this month’s “Game Of The Month” you play as Justinian on a standard size continents map on Monarch level. This game has goody huts enabled, and you get 2 starting scouts to have a change to get them! You have until April 5 to finish this game.

All the details can be found in the thread about the game:

New Scientist: Stonehenge may have been a giant calendar and now we know how it works

By | March 7, 2022

The New Scientist has reported about a new study trying to unravel the meaning of Stonehenge. The scientists assume the constellation of the stones indicate an ancient form of calendar.

Their explanation:

““All except two of the sarsens at Stonehenge come from that single source, so the message to me was that they’ve got a unity to them,” says Darvill. To him, this indicated that they were intended for a common purpose. To find out what, he looked for clues in the numbers.

The sarsens were arranged in three different formations at Stonehenge around 2500 BC: 30 formed the large stone circle that dominates the monument, four “station stones” were placed in a rectangular formation outside this circle, and the rest were constructed into five trilithons – consisting of two vertical stones with a third stone laid horizontally across the top like a lintel – located inside the stone circle.

“Thirty, 5 and 4 are interesting numbers in a calendrical kind of sense,” says Darvill. “Those 30 uprights around the main sarsen ring at Stonehenge would fit very nicely as days of the month,” he says. “Multiply that by 12 and you get 360, add on another 5 from the central trilithons you get 365.” To adjust the calendar to match a solar year, the addition of one extra leap day every four years is needed, and Darvill thinks that the four station stones may have been used to keep track of this. In this system, the summer and winter solstice would be framed every year by the same pair of stones.”

You can read the whole article here, or discuss it in our forum here.

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #130

By | March 6, 2022

Another month, another “Game Of The Month”!

This time you play as Robert The Bruce on a standard-size tilted-axis map on Prince level. Your goal is the science victory, and you must prevent all other 7 civs from reaching any of the other victory conditions. You have until April 1st to finish this game.

You can find all the details for this month’s GOTM here: