Old World patch #81

By | January 9, 2022

Mohawk Games, the creators of Old World, have released a new patch for their game. This patch includes again bug fixes, changes to balance and more events!

Full change log: https://mohawkgames.com/2022/01/07/old-world-update-81/

Discuss the patch in our forum: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/old-world-patch-81.674862/

FreeMars: A “Colonization” version on Mars

By | January 8, 2022

Our user blake00 has again been very active and produced a new video! In this video, he showcases/reviews the FreeMars project. FreeMars is a freely available version of our beloved Colonization, but this time set on Mars. The goal is the same as in the original Colonization: Build up your colonies, and declare independence from the motherland (earth, in this case). As also in Col this involves settling new colonies, diplomacy with other colonies, building units, producing goods, and trading with earth. The game itself is too a good part finished, but certain things are still in a development stage. Blake shows though that it is playable and can be finished. So if you’re a sci-fi fan, and you like Colonization, have a look at this ;).

Discuss this video in our forum: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/civ-video-series-ep-02-colonization-hd-tour.673998/#post-16206911

TurnBasedLovers: Turn-Based RPGs & Strategy Games of January 2022

By | January 6, 2022

TurnBasedLovers have published an article, anticipating new turn-based games for January 2022. This article includes not only strategy games, but also RPGs. Most interesting for us civ-fanatics are probably Expeditions: Rome, which is a group-based RPG set in Roman times and Warriors: Rise To Glory, which is a turn-based fighting game set in a pseudo-Roman setting.

For the whole list please read the article at TurnBasedLovers.

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #228

By | January 4, 2022

New year, new “Game Of The Month”! The team has again put something together to challenge you directly at the beginning of the year!

This time you play as Hammurabi on a standard size fractal map on Noble level. You have until February 3 to finish this game.

All details can be found here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/news-botm-228-hammurabi-noble-starts-3-jan.674742/

History: An Imperial Letter From Süleyman the Magnificent to Dom João III Concerning Proposals for an Ottoman-Portuguese Armistice

By | January 3, 2022

The Twitter user paisley_trees, who is a history reseacher at Yale, has put our attention to this letter, which was sent by Süleyman the Magnificent to Dom Joao III of Portugal, who are both leaders in Civ6.

This letter actually concerns a trade agreement between both countries. Both Ottomans and Portugese had some confrontations regarding the domination of the Indian Ocean. After multiple failed confrontations from both sides, Süleyman the Magnificent wanted to make peace, and suggested a trade: They wanted 250 000 kg of pepper in exchange for 5-15 years of peace and 3 800 tons of wheat.

The Portugese made a counter offer, 125 000 kg of pepper in exchange for at least 15 years of peace, 7 600 tons of wheat, free passage for trading, and a demand to the Ottomans not to construct galleys suitable for the Indian Ocean.

The relevant letter here is Süleyman The Magnificent addressing Joao’s last request, rejecting it, and asking again for the first terms.

The whole letter is sadly not freely available, but most of it (without further discussion in the research paper) can be seen for free on the first page, and it is possible to download it after a free registration.

You can find this letter here: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41104901

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month”

By | January 2, 2022

Right before we went into the holidays, the Civ6 team has prepared you another GOTM, so that your holidays don’t have to be calm and peaceful ;).

For this GOTM you play Mansa Musa of Mali on a standard size inland sea map on Deity level. You have until January 25 to finish this game.

You can find all the details here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/6otm-dec-21-krampus-vs-santa.674560/

PolyCast 395: Nobody Wants Your Stupid Launcher

By | December 28, 2021

The three hundred-and-ninety-fifth episode of PolyCast, “Nobody Wants Your Stupid Launcher“ is now available for streaming on polycast.civfanatics.com. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil “TheMeInTeam”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan”. Topics for this episode include:

– 00h01m39s | 2K’s Launcher Updates, Players Yawn
– 00h09m02s | #TheCivGive2021

Forum Talk
– 00h18m38s | TurnBasedLover’s Top 10 4X Games of All Time
– 00h34m58s | No Mods Allowed ON EGS

– 00h43m24s | Are Dams Worth Anything at All in Civilization VI?

PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice.

Good gamers, good managers? A proof-of-concept study with Sid Meier’s Civilization

By | December 28, 2021

The “Review Of Managerial Science” has a few days ago puliblished an article called “Good gamers, good managers? A proof-of-concept study with Sid Meier’s Civilization. In this article, 4 scientist of the University of Lichtenstein, the University of Rotterdam and the University of Münster had the hypothesis that being good at games, which require managing skills, might also indicate that a person is a good manager. They picked Civilization 5 for their research. The basic setup in this case was that participants were recruited at an university, and they got time to play Civ5. After some time to get used to the game, they got split into groups, and could play against each other. At the end the score was assesed. Afterwards, the gamers had to participate in various tests regarding management capabilities. It turned out that persons with higher scores in the game also scored better in these tests for management skills. This does not necessarily mean that playing Civ5 makes you a good manager, but that the same skills are required for both.

An excerpt:

“Our results should be useful to researchers from various felds who are becoming increasingly aware of video games’ potential to indicate several skills other than gaming skills. Our study revealed signifcant and positive relationships between the participants’ game success and how they performed during our assessments.
As explained, assessment centers can provide a comprehensive picture of an applicant’s knowledge and abilities, thus they are increasingly used to predict future job performance. Therefore, we also used the data collected from the assessments to calculate an overall assessment rating, a commonly used job-performance predictor (e.g., Russell and Domm 1995). In creating an overall assessment rating, there are different approaches to data aggregation (Thornton and Rupp 2006, p. 161), and we tested two purely quantitative approaches: First, we aggregated the skill-dimension ratings into overall assessment ratings, with weightings based on the relevance of the skill dimensions to the exercises; second, we used the skill ratings to calculate exercise ratings, which we then aggregated into overall assessment ratings, with weightings based on the length of the exercises. For both aggregation approaches, we explored how the overall assessment results correlated with participants’ game results, using the same model specifcation as before, and found that the students’ overall assessment ratings were signifcantly related to their game scores. Accordingly, video games may not only be used to assess specifc skills but could also be useful to predict performance at a more general level. In fact, assessment centers are one of the most commonly used tools to predict the future job performance of university graduates (see, e.g., Ballantyne and Povah 2004) who apply for managerial positions but typically lack work experience”

The article is freely available here.

You can discuss this article in our forum here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/good-gamers-good-managers-a-proof-of-concept-study-with-sid-meier%E2%80%99s-civilization.674714/