Merry Christmas from Civfanatics

By | December 25, 2021

We want to wish everyone some happy and relaxed holidays, and also lots of joy while pillaging the pantry :).

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” 227

By | December 22, 2021

And it’s again time for the Civ4 “Game Of The Month”, so that you all have something to play over Christmas!

This time you play as Kublai Khan of the Mongols on a standard size earth2 map on Immortal level. You have until January 24 to finish this game.

All details can be found in this thread:

PCGamer: Best Strategy 2021: Old World

By | December 22, 2021

PCGamer has elected Old World as their best strategy game of 2021. Which is quite a feat, since this meant it also beat e.g. Age Of Empires 4!
The article can be found here:

An excerpt:
“It’s so much more than Civ with Crusader Kings’ humanity, though. Mohawk Games and designer Soren Johnson have also reconsidered a big list of 4X systems, as well as finding ways to make the genre more manageable without sacrificing complexity—sometimes they add even more interesting opportunities. The Orders system is fantastic for this very reason. It ostensibly limits how much you can do in a single turn, teaching you to prioritise, but that limitation can be neutralised by making certain decisions that will shape your civilisation and ruler. Simpler but just as welcome, you can undo any action you take, or an entire turn. It’s great for fixing misclicks or silly mistakes, but it’s also a boon for experimentation and learning the ropes.

All this, combined with its more focused timeframe—the name’s a giveaway—and fairly brisk campaign make it easy to get stuck into, but it’s still dense and sometimes opaque. I thought it was great at launch, and I can appreciate it more now.”

You can discuss this article in our forum here:

Civilization’s 30th birthday: Blake’s Civ2 mod preservation project

By | December 21, 2021

And we’re still going strong on celebrating Civ’s past! Especially our user Blake00 has been extremely active, and has undertaken a massive project: He’s hunting through the net, our threads, and everywhere else possible to preserve all the great Civ2 mods, and make them available again. He has already uploaded more than 200 Civ2 mods from all the modders of the past, some thought to have been lost, some re-organized from the Scenario League. There is a great selection out there, you can find the whole overview here

To highlight a few:

As you can see, there is something for everyone, and this is only a very small selection of the more than 200 recently re-added mods. So if you feel like firing up Civ2 over Christmas… it’s definitely the right time.

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #125

By | December 21, 2021

The new “Game Of The Month” for Civ6 is available again. If you feel like conquering the world over Christmas, here is your challenge: This time you play as Catherine de Medici of France on a standard size lake map on Immortal difficulty. You have until January 15 to complete this game.

You can find all the details, including the savegame, here:

Civilization’s 30th birthday: The full map of Civilization

By | December 20, 2021

Our moderator bite, also known as Brian MacNamara or TL;DR Reviews, has created another overview map. After recently creating the ultimate Civ6 map, he has now created the absolutely ultimate Civ map overview with every feature of every Civilization title. He has multiple regional maps (you can see the one for Mesopotamia), as well as a full world map with all cities on it. If you want to know simply everything, check out his overviews here:

Discuss his maps in our forum here:

TheCivGive2021 raises $42 000 for children’s hospitals, 2K will match $25 000

By | December 20, 2021

In an exciting stream yesterday the streamers involved in TheCivGive2021 managed to raise in total more than $42 000 for children’s hospitals, supporting the ExtraLife foundation. This included more than one private donation of over $2000! The 2K foundation had also pledged to match up to $25 000, which was reached way before the stream reached its middle. This means in total this fundraiser has raised $67 000! Without the 2K donations this puts TheCivGive2021 in the 27th place of all teams, and with the 2K donation it will be the 17th place!

This stream saw complicated diplomacy, guest appearances by the developers, and the hosts and Kevin eating too many hot wings. You can watch the streams, which are undoubtly one of the most important Civ events this year, again on everyone’s Twitch channel, which would be the following:


Happy watching :).

TheCivGive2021: Join us, watch the stream (Dec 19, 12 PM PST/3 PM EST/9 PM CET)

By | December 18, 2021

It is happening today! The final of TheCivGive2021! All the streamers listed in the picture banded together to raise $50 000 to support children’s hospitals. Currently the count is at more than $18 000, and 2K themselves, the publisher of the Civilization series, has pledged to match up to $25 000. So we need to raise less than $7000, so donate now, and support a good cause!

The stream happens on December 19, 12 PM pacific time, 3 PM east coast time, 9 PM central European time. You can find all the live streams here: .

A variety of guests will be online too, including the former community manager Kevin Schulz, as well as Ed Beach and Dennis Shirk from the development team. You can find the whole list and the time when they come online here. CFC will also be present, we will be joining everyone else at 16:45 east coast time for a small chat. And we hope our community will join us too ;).