They’re taking hobbits to to Isenga…. to world domination!

By | August 19, 2021

Civ3 player tomma has started a new story, about his Civ3 game with the Tides of Crimson mod. If you want to read how a proper fantasy mod plays in Civ3, have a look here: .

SEGA commissions cave art of Humankind’s modern historical events

By | August 19, 2021

Various news outlets have reported this interesting piece of information: For the release of Humankind, SEGA has commisioned “cave art” of various events in modern history. This is definitely a creative marketing strategy.

You can read more about it here:

The article of “The Sun” also has a video worth watching.

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Soren Johnson’s designer notes about the tech tree

By | August 18, 2021

Soren Johnson, the lead designer of Old World, which is probably the biggest contender for Humankind right now, has written another note about the design decisions in Old World. An excerpt:

“Of course, every piece of game design is a set of trade-offs, and one of the trade-offs that the traditional tech tree made in the name of clarity was determinism. As everyone knew the path to Gunpowder, it was very easy to remember the exact order of the ten techs which led to Gunpowder so that the player could get to it as early as possible. If this strategy turned out to be optimal, then a veteran player would find themselves making the same choices, game after game after game. Indeed, many versions of Civ made this even easier for the player by allowing them to target a specific tech and then highlighting the right choice each time it came up.

In fact, Sid anticipated this problem from the beginning as the technologies presented to the player in Civ 1 were a random subset of the ones available. However, because this version had no in-game UI and because the tech tree itself was so new, players didn’t give this randomness much thought, especially when it was dropped quietly in later versions. Giving players a random subset of tech choices did solve the basic problem but was perhaps an inelegant way of addressing it. The ideal solution would force players to make difficult choices while also being transparent about why the player couldn’t choose from all the valid options.”

You can find the original blog post here:

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Humankind first video-impressions by a CivFanatic

By | August 18, 2021

Our long-term member mbarker (member since 2004, so longer than some of our other members are old) has made a video about his first impressions of Humankind. If you want to see on video what a true Civfanatic thinks about this game, then check it here:

New Civ4, Civ5 and Civ6 “Game of the Month”

By | August 18, 2021

And we have the next iteration of our monthly competition called “Game of the Month” (GotM). The GotM teams have prepared again new challenges for both Civ4 and Civ6, and you can compete to see if you’re the best CivFanatic to beat this game.

For Civ4, you start as Lincoln of America on Emperor level with 5 AIs. You have until September 20 to beat this game. Check out details here:

For Civ5, you start as Isabella of Spain on Immortal level, with 7 other AIs. you have until September 17 to beat this game. Check out the details here:

For Civ6, you start as Gitarja of Indonesia on Immortal with 7 competing AIs. You have until September 15 to beat this game. Check out the details here:

Civilization 6 for iPhone/iPad discounted

By | August 17, 2021

Aspyr media, who did the port of Civ6 to various platforms, has today, due to the release of Humankind, discounted the iPhone and iPad versions of Civ6. You can play the base game for 60 rounds for free, and then you have the option to buy it for 5€ (expansions not included). Check it out here:

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The CivFanatics review Humankind, review #6

By | August 17, 2021

And now we got our final review for Humankind. Our modder and moderator Gedemon, known for his mods for Civ5, Civ6 and Old World, has also written down his first experience with the game. Read it here:

An excerpt: “Thankfully Humankind is much better on that side, I’ve not played enough for a definitive judgement, but the actions (and consequences) make sense, you’re facing leaders making decisions, not some caricatural (and sometime schizophrenic) historical figure getting mad because of an arbitrary threshold for number of ships, cities, resources, …”

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Play Humankind on a world map

By | August 17, 2021

Our user Elhoim has worked during the beta on the very first map for Humankind: He just released the first version of his world map. If you want to really conquer the world, check his map out here.

This map has also been featured in PCGamesN!