The three hundred-and-sixty-ninth episode of PolyCast, “Tangents as big as Texas“ is now available for streaming on This episode features regular co-hosts
CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil “TheMeInTeam”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan”. Topics for this episode include:
– 00h01m30s | September 2020 New Frontier Pass update
– 00h10m09s | Basil II of Byzantium first look
– 00h30m40s | Sid Meier’s Memoir now available at a bookseller near you! and a tangent about Europe, railroads, and the size of Texas
Forum Talk
– 00h43m27s | Is Civ VI a sequel to Civ IV?
– 01h10m43s | Is the yield ribbon cheating?
– 01h15m02s | Feedback from episode 368: Can we discuss opening builds?
PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice; sibling show ModCast focuses on Civ modding.
Since we had to cancel the previous recording, this episode is a little bit longer than usual. Hope everyone enjoys!
Byzantium, Gaul, and Dramatic Ages Coming to Civilization VI
The September New Frontier Pack DLC drops on September 24, adding Gaul and Byzantium as major civilizations, along with a new Dramatic Ages mode, and two world wonders – the Statue of Zeus and the Biosphere. The Dramatic Ages mode includes cities rebelling to free cities upon entering a dark age, the severity scaling with game difficulty level. More information is in the developer update below; details on the new civs are expected in the next week. Join the discussion of this DLC in the forums.
Civilization VI – August Developer Livestream
Check out the August developer livestream on Wednesday, August 26, showing off the August update for Civilization VI. Discuss the livestream in the forums here.
PolyCast 368: Parallel Universe Where Firaxis Controls Everything
The three hundred-and-sixty-eighth episode of PolyCast, “Parallel Universe Where Firaxis Controls Everything“ is now available for streaming on This episode features regular co-hosts
CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil “TheMeInTeam”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan”. Topics for this episode include:
Forum Talk
– 00h02m06s | August update
– 00h25m25s | Unused art assets
– 00h31m00s | All leaders have hidden Firaxis logos
– 00h35m41s | PotatoMcWhiskey’s Wonder tier list
PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice; sibling show ModCast focuses on Civ modding.
Civilization VI: August Update Shuffles the Tech and Civics Trees
The free August Civilization VI game update, coming August 27, will bring a new optional game mode that shuffles the tech and civics trees, available for anyone who owns the base game. The update also adds a new natural wonder selection tool to ensure that a wonder does or does not appear in your game. Below is the developer video; discuss this update in the forums here.
PolyCast 367: Another Perfectly-Balanced Podcast with No Exploits
The three hundred-and-sixty-seventh episode of PolyCast, “Another Perfectly-Balanced Podcast With No Exploits“ is now available for streaming on This episode features regular co-hosts
CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil “TheMeInTeam”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan”. Topics for this episode include:
Forum Talk
– 00h01m28s | Poll About Civ 6 Finishing and Civ 7 Initiating
– 00h13m30s | Noticeable A.I. Improvements
– 00h23m07s | The Season Pass Model
– 00h35m17s | Spiffing Brit’s “No City Challenge” (no cheats or exploits necessary)
PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice; sibling show ModCast focuses on Civ modding.
PolyCast 366: Super Secret Vampires!
The three hundred-and-sixty-sixth episode of PolyCast, “Super Secret Vampires!“ is now available for streaming on This episode features regular co-hosts
Stephanie “Makahlua”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan” Grade. Topics for this episode include:
– 00h03m00s | Ethiopia patch notes
Forum Talk
– 00h38m00s | Episode 364 feedback, game industry trends, and Canus and MegaBearsFan really enjoy Christopher Tin’s albums.
– 00h48m00s | Has anyone found a workable Bermuda Triangle?
– 00h53m45s | How balanced are the Civs?
– 01h05m00s | Are Urban Defenses too strong?
PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice; sibling show ModCast focuses on Civ modding.
Civilization VI: Menelik II Leads Ethiopia
The July update for the New Frontier Pack introduces Menelik II leading Ethiopia with faith bonuses, Oromo cavalry unique unit, and rock hewn churches as their unique tile improvement. This pack drops on July 23. Discuss Ethiopia in the forums here.