Ara: History Untold, Dev Diary – Ep. 07 – Cities & Nations

By | October 18, 2023

Today, the developers of Ara: History Untold have released a dev diary about how cities and nations work in Ara. They talk about the AI of the animals, how to keep your citizens happy, and how the cities improve over time.

Discuss Ara: History Untold with us here.

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #258

By | October 18, 2023

And we also get a mid-month Civ4 GOTM! As in the Civ5 GOTM you play Washington, but here on a standard size terra map on Monarch level. You start alone in the new world, but you are surrounded by raging barbarians. You have until November 15 to conquer the old world!

For more information please check this thread.

Millennia: Developer Diary – Nations

By | October 17, 2023

We got another developer diary from the new Paradox game Millennia!
This time the diary is about the internal and external politics of your nation. It describes how you manage vassals, how minor nations (similar to city states) work in Millenia, and gives some details about governments too.

For all details please check our thread.

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #169

By | October 17, 2023

For the Civ6 GOTM we go back to one of history’s most famous leaders: You will be playing Cleopatra (Ptolemaic) on a standard sized wet and hot wetlands map on Immortal level. You need to win via a science victory, but also prevent all other civs from achieving another victory. Disaster intensity is set to 3, so you will for sure not only getting a heated up planet, but even more problems!

You have until November 15 to prevent climate change. For more information please see this thread.

The Value Foundation streams Old World, Tuesday Oct 17, 9 PM CEST

By | October 16, 2023

The Value Foundation, a foundation dealing with history, video games, and education, has last year streamed Civ2, has this academic year started with Civ6, and will now also stream “Old World” with the new “Pharaoh Of The Nile” expansion.
Their stream will be on Tuesday 9 PM CEST, and you’ll be able to watch it on Twitch here. And obviously you can discuss this stream also with us, join us here.

OpenCiv1 (Opensource Civilization 1 Reassembly Project)

By | October 16, 2023

CivFanatics member Rahorvat has been working over the last few months on an impressive reconstruction of good old Sid Meier’s Civilization 1. While a number of other fan projects have attempted to remake Civ1 over the years they did not involve full disassembly of the original game code to ensure a truly accurate code conversion and reconstruction of the game. The current stage 1 involves replicating/reassembling the original game in its entirety in C# and in the next stage 2 phase Rahorvat is planning on making many enhancements such as bug fixing, multi language support, multiplayer, new improved graphics & music, and much more. The project is Opensource on Github which means it will also be great for future modding and Rahorvat is looking for programmers to help him get to the finish line even quicker! We’ve tested his latest WIP build and can see it is already very functional and able to load & play original Civ1 savegames.

Considering Civ1 is no longer legally for sale in modern digital stores (we’re trying to fix that), the original DOS & 16bit Windows versions are not the easiest things to get working on modern PCs, and multiplayer is only available via the not so popular CivNET release (that also doesn’t work properly anymore) then a new modernized moddable opensource version of Civ1 with multiplayer should be quite attractive to retro Civ fans!

You can follow and discuss his project here.

Play the new Civ5 “Game Of The Month” #231

By | October 15, 2023

And it’s again the time for the middle-of-the-month GOTM! For Civ5 you get this time a very simple game, as Washington on a standard size Terra map on Chieftain level. You cannot just steamroll everyone though, you must win via a diplomatic victory. You have until November 15 to achieve this goal. For more information please see this thread.

Civ fans making games: The Settlements

By | October 14, 2023

With Civ being a long standing series, it is at the end not surprising that some civ fans grow up being developers, who take some inspiration from Civ for their own games. Examples of such games are ZOR or Elaborate Lands, and now another civ-fanatic has come forward to present his own game: The Settlements. This game is in a very early stage, and will at the end consist out of a turn-based world mode, and a real time city building mode, a bit similar to Total War. If you want to have an early peek at the game, then check the thread by the developer here.