New Civ6 patch in the making!

By | October 14, 2023

Our user AntSou noticed that there is still something going on with Civ6. It seems that the development branch for QA testing got a new update, which means another patch is in the making! Discuss these news with us here.

Ara: History Untold – How Oxide survived the “nightmare” of making a simultaneous-turn 4X game

By | October 13, 2023

RockPaperShotgun has published an article called “How Oxide survived the “nightmare” of making a simultaneous-turn 4X game”. This article is obviously about Ara: History Untold, and the devs talk about how it was complcated to organize and prioritize the not-really-turnbased game, including resolution of conflicts and land occupation. If you are curious how 4X game dev pros have handled the new challenge, then read this article, and discuss it with us here.

Star Trek: Infinite released

By | October 13, 2023

Today “Star Trek: Infinite” got released. Most people knowing any Paradox games and Star Trek probably looked at this game and said that it is Stellaris with a Star Trek cover. According to current reviews, from e.g. PCGamer or RockPaperShotgun, this seems to be true, in the best sense. Star Trek: Infinite seems to capture the Trek-atmosphere, including the Star Trek lore, while still being a good 4X game. It is focused on the four major factions in the Alpha and Beta quadrant, and captures some stories of the various Star Trek series apparently well, and therefore is probably a must-play for may Star Trek fans.

The game is currently available for only 29.99, and you can discuss it with us here.

PCGamesN: Sega builds replica Pyramid and Sphinx for Total War Pharaoh launch

By | October 12, 2023

After having already made a great effort with art for the release of Humankind, SEGA has now again commissioned great art for the release of Total War: Pharaoh. This time SEGA gives us a range of sand sculptures, from the Sphinx to the pyramids over status of the pharaohs. Check out this article by PCGamesN for more pictures, and discuss the new Total War title with us here.

TurnBasedLovers: Top Best NEW Upcoming Turn-Based RPGs And Strategy Games of October 2023

By | October 11, 2023

TurnBasedLovers has released another article and accompanying video called “Top Best NEW Upcoming Turn-Based RPGs And Strategy Games of October 2023”,
It seems indeed that October is quite a month for strategy enthusiasts. dotAGE has been released already, Total War: Pharaoh just came out today, Hexarchy should be of special interest to Civ fans, and the new GalCiv4 addon will for sure also find some fans. Interested in more games this month? Check out this article.

New indie game release: dotAGE

By | October 8, 2023

A new indie game has been released, which has gotten a bit of traction on Steam and on the gaming media, and is also interesting for us. This game is a turn-based city builder, where you’re fighting for your survival against an upcoming apocalpyse. There is a prophecy which predicts doom on your tribe, and you must build a city strong enough to withstand smaller and bigger catastrophes. Failure is therefor guaranteed most times, but you might survive.
In this city builder you have more than 200 buildings and 70 resources, you need to herd animals, farm crops, build houses, and all of that turn-based. So probably of interest for us here.

The game is currently discounted by 15% down to 14.86, and there is also a free demo available. Get it here on Steam.
PCGamer has also covered this game in an article here, and you obviously can also discuss this game with us here.

Civilization II: Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Scenario Mod

By | October 7, 2023

Our moderator blake has for a long time worked on a passion project, the conversion of Civ2 into Heroes Of Might And Magic 2. His mod is now available, and is probably the most extensive Civ2 mod out there. Obviously all units, techs and buildings change, but he also modified the interface, the leaders, the city screen, and more. If you’re craving some Civ2, and fantasy too, then check this mod out. You can find the thread here.

Play the new Civ3 “Game Of The Month” #165 and #192

By | October 6, 2023

After all the other GOTMs, we this time also got again the 2 GOTMs for Civ3!

For the addon “Play The World” you get GOTM 192, you will be playing as the Iroquis on a normal size pangaea map on Deity. You get roaming barbarians as a challenge, but a special starting unit too, to even out the handicap. You have until December 31 to rule the great plains! For all the information please see this thread.

For the addon “Conquests” you get GOTM 165, in which you play as Carthago on a standard size achipelago map with 80% water on regent level. You get some health bonuses, but you don’t know if the barbarians will be coming strongly at you or not. Also for this GOTM you have time to rule the seas and everything else until December 31. For all information please see this thread.