Galactic Civilizations IV released

By | April 26, 2022

StarDocks latest title in the “Galactic Civilizations” series has been released today.

The 4th part continues the series: It is a 4X (yet not turn-based) strategy game in space. As in other parts of the series to set out to conquer the galaxy, settle new planets, conduct diplomacy with aliens, and try to achieve one of multiple victory conditions.

You can find more information on the official website here:

Galactic Civilizations IV is available at the Epic Store for 39.99€:

If you want to discuss the latest “GalCiv”, then head over to the thread in our forum here:

Free real time strategy game: Vedelem: The Golden Horde

By | April 24, 2022

This game just popped up in a PCGamer article, which got re-tweeted (originally from 2021), so:
Vedelem is a real time strategy game, so not exactly what we normally look at, but this seems to include some building, and is set in a historical scenario, which makes it interesting for us. The Mongol invasion is also a not-overused scenario, so it might be worth having a look.
It seems to be a survival game though, so not fixed end goal or campaign.
It’s available for free on Steam.

If you like this game, or have any other comments, please discuss in our forum here:

Humankind: Da Vinci event, and the Vitruvian update

By | April 21, 2022

Amplitude Studios has released today 2 important updates for Humankind.

The first one is the Vitruvian update. This patch includes various changes to the balance of the affinities, allows you to tweak notifications, among other changes. You can read the full list and discuss them here:

The second is the Da Vinci event (see also the video). From April 21 to May 16 there will be 6 temporary achievements for you to gain. For the details on these, please also visit our discussion thread here:

Win a copy of “Old World” – tell us about your favourite civ from “the old world”

By | April 20, 2022

Old World, the current game of Soren Johnson’s studio Mohawk Games, has already some following here, but we got asked if we cannot increase it here in the forums.
Soren has contacted Thunderfall, and asked if we could help him, and we are happy to do so. Their publisher Hooded Horse has provided us with 5 keys for Old World (including the new addon “Heroes Of The Agean”, which we are free to use for a little competition here.

Since we know you like discussing civs, we ask you:
What is your favourite civ from the old world?
Just tell us which ancient civ from the old world (Europe, Asia, Africa) do you like best.
This civilization doesn’t need to be in the game already. If you like any of the ingame civs best (Rome, Greece, Egypt, Carthage, Babylon, Persia, Assyria), then tell us. If you like any other best (may it be Scythia, Sumeria, or any other), tell us. You would like to have any added? Tell us!
Among all entries, we distribute:

  • 3 copies of Old World in a random draw
  • 1 copy for the best entry
  • 1 copy for the best joke entry (excluded from random draw)

The deadline for entries is May 10.
We will announce the winners on May 14.
Only one entry per participant will be considered.
This little competition is run in parallel in the forums and on Twitter and all entries will be pooled.
We reserve the right to disqualify any entries.

Please comment in the main thread here: or in any copy of this thread in the main Civ forums.

Old World is currently available on the Epic Store, but will become available on May 19 on GOG and Steam.

Tuesday 18:30 CEST: Live stream of Old World – Heroes Of The Agean

By | April 18, 2022

Coming Tuesday at 18:30 CEST there will be a live stream of the new Old World addon “Heroes Of The Agean”. The live steam will come from the Value Foundation, which is a Dutch non-profit organization focused on disseminating knowledge with the help of games.

The live stream will be on Twitch (in English), under

Wishlist Old World on GOG:

Wishlist Old World on Steam:

Buy it already in the Epic Store:

Play the new Civ3 “Game Of The Month” #159/186

By | April 17, 2022

It’s now been more than 20 years, but we still play it: Civ3! And therefore you also get again 2 different version of the “Game Of The Month”.

Our users Piu Freddo and Captain_Jack have again put together 2 challenges for you.

For the players with the “Play The World” addon you get GOTM186: You play as Korea on a standard map with 80% ocean on Monarch level. You get raging barbarians as well. For all the details, please have a look at this thread:

For players with the “Conquests” addon you get the COTM159: You play the vikings on a standard size archipelago map with 80% water on emperor level, but also with roaming barbarians. Also here, please check the related thread:

For both you have until June 30 to submit your final savegame.

Old World expansion: Heroes Of The Agean – First look

By | April 14, 2022

And there is a first video out about the early access of the new Old World expansion “Heroes Of The Agean” by Mohawk Games.

Discuss this expansion in our forum here:

Old World update #88

By | April 14, 2022

Mohawk Games, the publisher of Old World, has released the latest update for their game. This update includes balance changes, new events, and more. You can discuss all these changes in our forum here.

Mohawk games also recently announced the release date on GOG and Steam, together with an expansion, which will be on May 19!

Wishlist Old World on GOG:

Wishlist Old World on Steam:

Buy it already in the Epic Store: