2K supports TheCivGive2021, will match $25.000

By | December 9, 2021

TheCivShow, together with other streamers, are organizing TheCivGive2021, a charity drive to collect $50 000 for children’s hospitals in the US. The current donations have eclipsed $12 000, and now 2K, the publisher of the Civilization series, has come to support TheCivGive2021, and will match up to $25 000! Now every cent you donate counts twice! Donate here and support children’s hospitals: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.team&teamID=58881

Discuss TheCivGive2021 here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-civgive2021-extra-life-charity-event-has-been-announced-50-000-goal-to-sick-kids-hospitals.674123/

Anno 1404 free at Ubisoft Connect

By | December 7, 2021

Anno 1404, the 4th part of the well known real-time strategy builder series, is currently available for free via Ubisoft Connect. This offer runs until December 14, and the game can still be played afterwards. If you don’t own it, get it now, it is well worth it!

Get Anno 1404 for free here: https://register.ubisoft.com/anno-1404/en-GB

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #226

By | December 7, 2021

And it is again time for the Civ4 “Game Of The Month”! We have again a challenge for you to show if you’re the best Civ-player out there!

This time you play with Suleiman The Great of the Ottomans on a cold North Pole map on Monarch level. You have time until January 3 to finish this game.

You can find all the other details here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/news-botm-226-suleiman-monarch-starts-1-dec.674305/

TheCivGive2021 has reached a first milestone: $10 000+

By | December 6, 2021

The charity drive TheCivGive2021 has reached a first milestone: More than $10 000 dollar have been donated. This goes together with the recent announcements of the last 3 streamers participating in the final FFA, TheGameMechanic, SassyGamerLady and the well known PotatoMcWhiskey.

Support TheCivGive2021 and make them help reach their goal of $50.000 for children’s hospitals in the US! Donate here: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.team&teamID=58881

You can read more about TheCivGive2021 here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-thecivgive2021-extra-life-charity-event-has-been-announced-50-000-goal-to-sick-kids-hospitals.674123/

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #124

By | December 5, 2021

Our “Game Of The Month” team has again put together a new challenge for you to play, so that you can see if you’re the best civ-fanatic among us!

This month you play as Wilhelmina of the Netherlands on a small continents map on prince level. You have until January 2 to finish this game!

Find all the details here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/6otm-124-announcement.674392/

Old World patch #79

By | December 1, 2021

Mohawk Games, the creators of Old World, have released their latest patch.

This update contains bug fixes, balancing changes and adds more events.

The patch notes can be found here: https://mohawkgames.com/2021/12/01/old-world-update-79/

And you can discuss the latest patch in our forum here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/old-world-patch-79.674377/

TurnBasedLovers: Best 10 4X Strategy Games of All Time

By | December 1, 2021

TurnBasedLovers have published their list of the 10 best 4X strategy games out there. To no surprise, this list contains Civ6! The whole article contains a lot of classics, obviously, like Alpha Centauri, Masters of Magic or Master of Orion II, but also Civ4: Colonization.

An excerpt:

“It should come as little surprise that the granddaddy of every other game on this list would come out on top, especially with how well-designed the franchise’s most recent incarnation has turned out. Civilization is one of the few franchises that improves with each new entry without backsliding. Civ 6 has proven that the team at Firaxis can pinpoint what makes their games fun and keep those elements while still experimenting and pushing the genre forward.”

Read the whole article here: https://turnbasedlovers.com/lists/best-10-4x-strategy-games-of-all-time/

Discuss it in our forum here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/turnbasedlovers-best-10-4x-strategy-games-of-all-time.674369/

Civilization’s 30th birthday: FreeCol video review

By | November 29, 2021

Our user blake00 is continuing his video series about the classic games in the Civ series. This time he has a look at FreeCol, a free, open-source version of Colonization. He shows how the game plays, has a looks at mods, the map editor and the late game as well.

So feeling like an old-school free game? Have a look!

Discuss his video here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/civ-video-series-ep-02-colonization-hd-tour.673998/#post-16190430