New Old World DLC released: Wonders & Dynasties!

By | January 11, 2024

Mohawk Games, the developers of Old World, have released their new DLC, called “Wonders & Dynasties”. This DLC adds 30 new leaders, 8 new wonders, 21 character traits, and a lot more. You can discuss the new DLC with us here, and buy it at the following places:

Next Civ6 Monthly Challenge: Robot Revolution

By | January 9, 2024

Firaxis has put the next monthly challenge online: This time you are playing as Larier of Canada on a small, cold and arid tilted axis map with sparse resources. You may chose between Prince and Emperor difficulty, and the necessary DLC is for you available for this challenge even if you have not bought it. But the real challenge is that you start in the information area with wandering GDRs! Are you up to fight the robot revolution?

This challenge runs until February 13.

Come discuss with us here.

Rumors, rumors, rumors: Kael at Amplitude?

By | January 8, 2024

We all know that our famous master Kael was working after FfH2 with Stardock, having had some great impact on GalCiv IV.
A while ago, Brad Wardell, CEO of Stardock, made a post on Reddit, which just recently surfaced again. The overlooked information in Brad’s post was that Kael apparently has moved on now to Amplitude. Given that Amplitude has with Humankind a civ competitor, and is for sure also working on new projects… this could mean many things! Join us for speculations here.

Civilization VI Symphony – Live from the National Theater of Korea

By | January 6, 2024

A few days ago we reported about a version of Baba Yetu by the National Theater of Korea (link). They have in the meantime released a concert with many of the Civ6 songs! The concert contains the title song “Sogno Di Volare”, and 19 civ themes. Watch it, it is amazing, and join us for the discussion here.

Play the new Civ5 “Hall Of Fame” challenges!

By | January 5, 2024

We start the new year with some new challenges for you, giving you the option to get a spot in our Civ5’s eternal “Hall Of Fame”.

To get a spot, we provide you right now with 2 challenges:

G-Major CXL

This challenge requires you to play as Shaka on a standard size arborea map on Emperor level, and you need to win, very un-Shaka-like, with a Diplomacy victory. For more information please check here.


This challenge requires you to play as Washington on a small “Tiny Islands” map on King level, on epic speed, and you need to win via Domination. For more information please check here.

Both challenges run until January 31.

Civ fans making games: Kings & Emperors

By | January 4, 2024

We got notified about some more Civ fans developing a historical 4X game: Kings & Emperors. This time it is a real time multiplayer game, with a focus on the medieval period. The game is currently not accessible, but the devs have regular playtests. If you are curious, then check the discussion on Facebook here, or join us in the forum here.

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #174

By | January 3, 2024

In the first GOTM of the year 2024 you get a tough challenge: You play as Cyrus on a standard size Pangaea map on Prince level. The resources are sparse, the climate is hot and arid with a low sea level, and disaster intensity is set to 2. You need to also win via a Domination or Religious victory. You have until February 1 to dominate the desert. For more information please see this thread.

Civ IV Hall of Fame Update

By | January 2, 2024

The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated – 14 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to TokuTurtle for the highest score of the update with a Standard, Epic, Immortal, Domination game for 173,559 points.

TokuTurtle and adityavs were the most active player during this update, submitting 4 games each.

New Number One Entries:

A number of players gained number one positions:

donsig with a 2050 AD, Tiny, Normal, Noble, Time game for 12,186 points.
Lcpl Jack Jones with a 2050 AD, Large, Quick, Settler, Time game for 13,599 points.

New Gauntlets Starting

G-Minor 274 – Space Colony, Warlord, Ancient, Duel, Normal, Terra, England (check options)

G-Major 189 – Cultural, Prince, Ancient, Large, Epic, Medium and Small, India (check options)

You can discuss this new update with us here.