Millennia Developer Diary – Domains & Culture

By | January 1, 2024

We got another developer diary from the new Paradox game Millennia!
This time the diary is about how you are able to shape your nation. The dev diary describes multiple ways, in which you can influence your civ, in many ways similar to the government options, but also split over other domains like exploration and warfare, and that how you lead your civ, will give it more bonuses at the end.

For some more insights on how this works please check this thread.

Happy new year from CivFanatics!

By | January 1, 2024

Happy new year from CivFanatics, we wish everyone a majestic year!

Picture source

Baba Yetu – Live from the National Theater of Korea

By | December 30, 2023

The Civilization Twitter account has highlighted a performance of Baba Yetu by the National Theater of Korea!

“Baba Yetu, the Grammy Award-winning theme song written for Civilization IV, comes to life through FLASIC Game Symphony Orchestra & Choir, in the first concert ever dedicated to Civ in Korea!”

If you want to discuss this performance with us, then join us here.

Play the new Civ5 “Game Of The Month” #236 (Christmas special)

By | December 29, 2023

The Civ5 GOTM team is making you a small Christmas present, in form of a Civ meme! For this GOTM you play as Gandhi on a small oval map on Deity level, and you must win via a Domination victory (Nukes optional). You also start with some guided missiles, just for fun. If you want to tackle this challenge, then check this thread and send in your game until January 25!

Twitter: Happy Holidays from the Civilization team!

By | December 22, 2023

The Civ team has just posted their holiday greetings on Twitter, and they can also be found on the Civ website.
A very nice drawing, as last year, although it allows less speculations for the next title. If you still want to speculate, then join us here.

Christmas sales!

By | December 21, 2023

Various games have gone on sale for Christmas, as every year.

The most important ones:

More titles are obviously discounted, have a look for your favourite Total War, Paradox or Galactic Civilizations titles too ;). For a discussion on the sales and updates please check this thread.

Play the Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #263

By | December 19, 2023

For the Civ4 Christmas GOTM you play a slightly changed Bouddicca…er… Ms. Klaus, of the Celts. You play on a cylindrical Christmas Tree map against 8 AIs on deity level. You have until January 15 to bring presents or destruction to everyone. For more details, please check this thread.

Ara: History Untold: Dev Diary, Ep. 13 – Insider Program

By | December 18, 2023

And we are now at the 13th dev diary for Ara: History Untold.
In this episode the devs talk about the insider program of Ara, and explain what it is, which probably nobody here really surprises at the end ;). More interestingly in our thread there is now also a discussion about the civs and leaders in Ara, and some non-standard choices like the Abbasid caliphate over an Arab civ, or the Holy Roman Empire over a German civ.
Check it out, and discuss it with us here.